ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان
نونااااااااااا تسلمي راح نتعبك معانا وتسلمي حبيبتي :26: ام مروه انا ماعرف بالترجمه والله ان شاء الله يساعدونك البنات :42: هذا موقع في شغلات للبيبي تجنن بالباترون 77777777777777777777777777777777777777 R 1- Dc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch2 turn. NOTE: Ch2 does not count as st. R 2- Dc in 4 dc, sh in next dc,dc in 5dc, sh in next dc,dc in 6dc,sh in next dc,dc in 5dc, sh in next dc,dc to end. Ch 2 turn. R 3- Dc in each dc to ch 2 sp, * sh in ch 2 sp, dc in each dc; repeat from * across. Ch 2 turn. R 4 & 5-- Repeat R3 R 6- Dc in each dc to ch 2 sp, 2 dc in ch2 sp, skip sts to next ch2 sp, 2dc in ch2 sp,dc acoss to next ch2 sp, 2dc in ch2 sp, skip sts to next ch 2 sp, 2dc in ch2 sp, dc across. Ch 1 turn (Arm holes made) R 7- Sc across in each st, end off CC. Now start bottom part---- R 1- Sl st MC in last sc and sc across, ch 2 turn. R 2- 7-- Dc in each st across, Ch2 turn R 8-- Dc in each st across join in first dc. (For rest of pattern rows, work in rounds.) Rd 9 - Ch 3, dc around, join. Rd 10- dc across half the dc, (this will bring you to center front) dc, join to ch 3 (Leave remaining st un-worked for now)-- First leg started. Rd 11- 20 -ch 3, Dc around, join. Rd 21- Ch 3, * dc in 2 dc, dec in next 2 sts, repeat from * around. Join Rd 22- Ch3, dc in dc, dec in nest 2 sts, repeat from around. Join Rd 23- Ch 3, dec in nest 2 sts around. Join. End off with enough yarn tail to sew toe sts. Second Leg--- Join Mc to Last worked st of Rd 9, Ch 3 Rd 10 - 23 --Repeat first leg. Sleeves-- Rd 1- sl st CC to under arm dc, Ch 2, dc around, join in first dc. Rd 2-4 = ch 3, dc around, join Rd 5- ch 2, * dc in nest 3 dc, dec in next 2 sts, repeat from * across join. End off CC. :42:
نونااااااااااا تسلمي راح نتعبك معانا وتسلمي حبيبتي :26: ام مروه انا ماعرف بالترجمه...
Bath mitt
Ch 3, join with slip st to form ring.
Rnd 1 Ch 3, 11 dc in ring, join - 12 sts.
Rnd 2 Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each dc around, join - 24 sts.
Rnd 3 Ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st; rep from * around, dc in last 2 sts, join - 32 sts.
Rnds 4-13 Ch 3, dc in each st around, join.
Rnd 14 Ch 3, dc in next 25 sts, ch 6 , skip 6 dc, slip st to top of ch-3 to join (thumb opening).
Rnd 15 Ch 3, dc in each dc and ch around, join.
Rnds 16-19 As Rnd 4.
Rnds 20-21 Ch 1 (counts as sc), sc in each st around, join. End off.
Thumb Rejoin yarn at lower right corner of thumb opening.
Rnd 1 Ch 3, dc in each dc across bottom of opening, sc in side of dc, 6 dc across top of thumb opening, sc in side of dc, join - 14 sts.
Rnds 2-5 Ch 3, dc in each st around, join.
Rnd 6 Ch 3, (dc dec) 6 times, dc in last st, join - 9 sts.
Rnd 7 Ch 1, (sc dec) 3 times. End off. Run yarn thru last sts and pull tight. Weave in ends.

Wash cloth
Foundation Row Ch 31. Dc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch across - 30 sts.
Row 1 Ch 3, dc in each st across.
Rep Row 1 until piece is square. DO NOT END OFF.
Ch 1, sc evenly around cloth, putting 3 sts into each corner, join. Ch 1, sc in each sc around, putting 3 sts into each corner. End off. Weave in ends.

Soap bag/scrubber Foundation Row Ch 32, join.
Rnd 1 Ch 1, sc in each ch, join.
Rnd 2 Ch 1, sc in each sc, join.
Rnd 3 Ch 3, dc in each sc, join.
Rnd 4 Ch 4 (counts as dc + ch-1), *skip next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1; rep from * to last st, skip last dc, join.
Rnd 5 Ch 3, dc in each dc and ch-1 space around, join.
Rnds 6-12 Ch 3, dc in each st around, join.
Rnds 13-14 Rep Rnds 4-5.
Rnds 15-16 Rep Rnd 2 twice. End off.
Ties Ch 70. End off. Weave in ends. Repeat. Weave chains through eyelets and tie, inserting soap into bag before tying second knot.


هذى الاشكال ممكن نعملها على التي شيرت او الملابس او على البنطلونات او على المفارش وغيره

Head: (Using lt brown)
Rnd 1) Ch 4; (12 dc, 3 hdc) in 4th ch from hook (first 3 chs skipped count as first dc); join with a sl st in 4th ch of beg. ch 4: 16 sts. (Do not end off).
Body: (Using lt brown)
Row 1) Ch 3 (counts as first dc) (5 dc, 4 hdc) in joining: 10 sts. (Do not end off).
Arm: (Using lt brown)
Rows 1-2) Ch 1, turn work; sc in first st, sc in next st: 2 sc.
Row 3) Ch 1, turn work; sc dec over last 2 sts see special sts: 1 st. Fasten off, secure ends.
Body: (Using lt brown)
Row 1) Right side facing, join yarn to 1st dc on row 1 of body (top of ch 3) with a sl st; ch 3, (2 dc) in joining, dc in next 5 sts, hdc in next st, leaving last st on row 1 of body unworked: 9 sts.
Row 2) Ch 3, turn work; dc in next 5 sts, dc dec over last 3 sts see special sts: 7 sts. (Do not end off).
Tail: (Using lt brown)
Ch 20, sl st in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, sl st in last st on body. (Do not end off).
Feet: (Using lt brown)
Row 1) Sl st in next st, ch 1, (sc, dc, sc) in same st, sl st in next 4 sts, ch 1, (sc, ch 2, dc) in same st. Fasten off, secure ends.
Ears: (Using pink)
First Ear: Sk next 3 sts on head from where arm is worked, right side facing, join yarn to next st, (2 hdc, 2 dc, 2 hdc) in next st, sl st in next st. Fasten off, secure ends.
Second Ear: Sk next st from where last ear was worked on head, right side facing, join yarn to next st, (2 hdc, 2 dc, 2 hdc) in next st, sl st in next st. Fasten off, secure ends.
Finishing: Glue eyes on face and small bead to center of face for nose. Tie ribbon into a bow and glue just under the face. Glue a small flower to hand. Attach magnet to back.

وانا كنت حاطه موضوع منوع فيه من هذى النماذج


دعوة للتفاؤل
دعوة للتفاؤل
جزاكي الله كل الخير يا ام عزيزان الموضوع فوق الرائع
جزاكي الله كل الخير يا ام عزيزان الموضوع فوق الرائع
جزاكي الله كل الخير يا ام عزيزان الموضوع فوق الرائع
جزاكى اللة كل خير على كل الحاجات الجميلة دى حقيقى فى غاية الروعة:icon28:
ام عزيزان طول عمر مواضيعك مميزة تسلم ايديكى
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان طول عمر مواضيعك مميزة تسلم ايديكى
ام عزيزان طول عمر مواضيعك مميزة تسلم ايديكى

Beginning at center Front, chain 32.
Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and each ch across; turn—31 sc.
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), skip 3 sts, * work V-st in next st, skip next 2 sts; repeat from * 9 times, end dc in last st; turn—2 dc, 9 V-sts.
Row 3: Ch 1, work 2 sc in first st, 3 sc in each V-st across, 2 sc in last st; turn—31 sc. Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), 9 times, end dc in last st; turn—2 dc, 9 V-sts.
Rows 5 – 46 (52, 58, 66): Repeat Rows 3 and 4.
Row 47 (53, 59, 67): Repeat Row 3; do NOT fasten off.

1. Attach Ring to Last Row: Ch 1, working over Ring and in sts of last row at the same time, pull up a loop in next 2 sts, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook, 9 times, pull up a loop in next 2 sts, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook; do NOT fasten off.
2. Continuing along long side: (in row ends), ch 1, skip next row, * work ; repeat from* across to opposite end (beginning chain); do NOT fasten off.
3. Attach Ring to Opposite End: Working in remaining loops of beginning chain and opposite side of ring at the same time, pull up a loop in next 2 ch, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook, 9 times, draw up a loop in next 2 ch, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook; do NOT fasten off. 4. Continuing along remaining long side: Ch 1, skip next row, * work ; repeat from * across, join with a slip st in first st. Fasten off.

INSTRUCTIONS:BACK: Ch 68 (76, 84).
Row 1 (Right Side): Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across; turn - 66 (74, 82) sts.
Eyelet Row 2: Ch 4, skip first dc, tr in next dc, * ch 2, skip next 2 dc, tr in next 2 dc; rep from * across working last tr in top of beg ch; turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, skip first tr, dc in next tr, * 2 dc in ch-2 sp, dc in next 2 tr; rep from * across working last dc in top of ch-4; turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across and in top of ch-3; turn.
Rep Row 4 and work 6 more rows even in dc.
Shape Sleeves
Row 11: Ch 44 (44, 48); dc in 4th ch from hook and each ch across, dc across 66 (74, 82) sts of back; remove hook from last dc; attach a separate ball of yarn to the BOT­TOM of last dc worked and ch 42 (42, 46); fasten off this separate ball; insert hook in loop from last dc worked and dc across these 42 (42,46) ch; turn - 150 (158,174) sts.
Work 8 (10, 12) more rows even in dc.

Shoulder: Ch 4, skip first dc, tr in next dc, 16 (17, 19) times; turn - 66 (70, 78) sts.
Rep Row 3 above.
Rep Row 4 above 6 (8, 10) times.
Next Row-Shape Front (Wrong Side): Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc to last st; 2 de in top of ch-3; turn - 67 (71, 79) sts.
Next Row: Ch 3, dc in first dc, dc in each dc across and in top of ch-3; tUrn - 68 (72, 80) sts. FASTEN OFF.

With wrong side facing, skip first 42 (42, 46) sts of sleeve, attach yarn in next st; ch 3, dc in each dc to last st; 2 dc in top of ch-3; turn ­27 (31, 35) sts.
** Continue to increase 1 st at center front edge on next 7 rows, end right side row - 34 (38, 42) sts. Rep Eyelet Row 2 and Row 3 same as for Back. Fasten off. **
RIGHT FRONT: With wrong side facing,
skip center 18 dc, attach yarn in next dc; ch 4, tr in next dc, 16 (17, 19) times working last tr in top of ch-3; turn - 66 (70, 78) sts.
Rep Row 3 above.
Rep Row 4 above 6 (8, 10) times.
Next Row-Shape Front (Wrong Side): Ch 3, dc in first dc, dc in each de across and in top of ch-3; turn - 67 (71, 79) sts.
Next Row: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc to last st; 2 dc in top of ch-3; turn - 68 (72, 80) sts.
Next Row: Ch 3, dc in first dc, dc in next 25 (29,33) dc; TURN - 27 (31, 35) sts. Rep from ** to ** same as Left Front.

Sew side and underarm seams. Edgings (Work around sleeve edges and around entire outer body edge): With right side facing, attach yarn at a seam; ch 1, work sc evenly around; join with a sl st to first sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Weave ribbon through lower Eyelet Row of body.

Rnd 1: with tu tu yarn ch 20, join, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each ch around, join.
Rnd 2: ch 1, sc around, join.
Rnd 3: ch 1, * sc 4 times, 2 sc in next st * rep, join. (24)
Rnd 4: ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 5: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 6: ch 1,* sc 5 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (28)
Rnd 7-8: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 9: ch 1, *sc 6 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (32)
Rnd 10-11: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 12: ch 1, *sc 7 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (36)
Rnd 13-15: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 16: ch 1, *sc 8 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (40)
Rnd 17-19: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 20: ch 1, *sc 9 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (44)
Rnd 21 – 23: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 24: ch 1, *sc 10 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (48)
Rnd 25-27: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 28: ch 1, *sc 11 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (52)
Rnd 29-31: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 32: ch 1, sc *12 times, 2 sc, in next st * rep, join. (56)
Rnd 33-35: rep rnd 4. FOR SMALL SIZE CONTINUE ON WITH RND 38.
Rnd 36: ch 1, *sc 13 times, 2 sc, in next st,* rep, join. (60)
Rnd 37: rep rnd 4.
Rnd 38: rep rnd 4, do not join. Turn. (56) (60)
Row 39 – 71: ch 1, sc across, turn. Join at end of row 71. FOR SMALL CONTINUE WITH RND 76. BE SURE TO CONTINUE WORKING NOW FROM RIGHT SIDE.
Row 72-74: ch 1, sc across, join.
Rnd 75: ch 1, *sc 13 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (56)
Rnd 76 - 78: ch 1, sc around, join.
Rnd 79: ch 1, *sc 12 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (52)
Rnd 80-82: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 83: ch 1, *sc 11 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (48)
Rnd 84-86: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 87: ch 1, *sc 10 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (44)
Rnd 88-90: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 91: ch 1, *sc 9 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (40)
Rnd 92-94: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 95: ch 1, *sc 8 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (36)
Rnd 96-98: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 99: ch 1, *sc 7 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (32)
Rnd 100-101: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 102: ch 1, *sc 6 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (28)
Rnd 103-104: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 105: ch 1, *sc 5 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (24)
Rnd 106-107: rep rnd 76.
Rnd 108: ch 1, *sc 4 times, dec sc over next 2 sts,* rep, join. (20)
Rnd 109-110: rep rnd 76. Fasten off.

Sleeve Ribbing

Rnd 1: with Baby Soft yarn and I crochet hook attach yarn in any st on the sleeve, ( base row) ch 1, work 30 sc evenly around, join.
Row 2: ch 16, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 14 ch, sl st in each of next 2 sc on base row, turn. (15)
Row 3: sc in back lp only in each sc across, turn. (15)
Row 4: ch 1, in back lp only sc across, sl st in each of next 2 sc on base row, turn.
Rep row 3 and 4 around base row, ( ending with row 4) . Working from wrong side, sl stitch first and last row together, fasten off.
Rep for other sleeve.

Body Opening Ribbing
Rnd 1: with Baby Soft yarn and I crochet hook attach yarn in any st on the body opening, ( base row) ch 1, sc in same st, * 2 sc in next st, sc in next st* rep around, join.
Row 2: ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 5 ch, sl st in each of next 2 sc on base row, turn. (6)
Row 3: sc in back lp only in each sc across, turn. (6)
Row 4: ch 1, in back lp only sc across, sl st in each of next 2 sc on base row, turn.
Rep row 3 and 4 around base row, ( ending with row 4) . Working from wrong side, sl stitch first and last row together, fasten off.

يا هلا بالجميع

وشكرا لمتابعتكم وذوقكم

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