بنات ساعدوني في كتابة فقرتين الأولى عن الإجازة في الصيف الماضي
والفقرة الثانية عن أفضل صديق في حدود 10 سطور
بنات الله يخليكم ساعدوني عندي امتحان يوم التلاثاء ضروري

قطعة من القمر @ktaa_mn_alkmr
عضوة نشيطة
هذا الموضوع مغلق.

عز وشموخ
السلام.عليكم انا بحثت لك عن موضوع افضل صديق ..يا ليت تستفيدين منه...وممكن تلخصينه بنفسك احسن...يا ليت اكون افدتك A Best Friend is ..
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never ever the same” (Unknown).
What is a “best friend”? Almost everyone has one, and almost everyone is one. There’s something about a best friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone has their own definition of what their own best friend is like and what an impact he or she has made in their life. In this essay I would like to take a better look at some of the simple things that we might take for granted when we think of our best friends.
A best friend is a title held for the few and privileged. The term cannot be thrown around loosely. Not just anyone can be called your best friend. A best friend has to first meet several qualifications and have many outstanding characteristics to have the honor of holding such a prestigious title. Being a best friend is more than someone that you’ve seen everyday and grown up with. A best friend can be someone with whom you’ve known since childhood but can also be someone that you’ve just met, and similar to “love at first sight,” you just click with. The true definition of a best friend is someone that knows you inside out and would go to th
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never ever the same” (Unknown).
What is a “best friend”? Almost everyone has one, and almost everyone is one. There’s something about a best friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone has their own definition of what their own best friend is like and what an impact he or she has made in their life. In this essay I would like to take a better look at some of the simple things that we might take for granted when we think of our best friends.
A best friend is a title held for the few and privileged. The term cannot be thrown around loosely. Not just anyone can be called your best friend. A best friend has to first meet several qualifications and have many outstanding characteristics to have the honor of holding such a prestigious title. Being a best friend is more than someone that you’ve seen everyday and grown up with. A best friend can be someone with whom you’ve known since childhood but can also be someone that you’ve just met, and similar to “love at first sight,” you just click with. The true definition of a best friend is someone that knows you inside out and would go to th

الصفحة الأخيرة
اعطيك بعض الافكار عن....
>>>>> المقطع الاول
الاستعدادات اللي قمتي فيها لقضاء الاجازه(مثلا الذهاب لمدينه ما...... الحجز , شراء المستلزمات ........الخ )
>>>>> المقطع الثاني
الاحداث التي حدثت اثناء الرحله
>>>>> مقطع صغير لايتجاوز 2-3 اسطر (( انطباعك عن الرحلة و عن الاجازه))<<<الخاتمه((((اختياري))))
افضل صديق
>>>>>>المقطع الاول
تعريف الصداقه + اسباب اختيار الصديقه الحسنه
>>>>> المقطع الثاني
فضل الصداقه واثارها علي + اضافه بعض الحكم والامثال
بعض الواقف التي برهنت حسن هذه الصديقه .... (مثلا النصيحه والتوجيه وتقويم السلوك السيئ ..حفظ الاسرار ... المساعده في حل المشاكل .....الخ)
>>>> مقطع صغير لايتجاوز 2-3 اسطر (( رأيك بصديقتك ))<<<الخاتمه((((اختياري))))
اتمنى اني افدتك .....وربي يوفقك ويوفقنا وجميع المسلمين:)
وان شاء الله البنات ما راح يقصروا معاك:42: