السلا م علييييكم ورحمممة الله وبركآآآته ..
ممكن ترجموووون لي هالكلام :35:
Nanny's Role:
There are main tasks related to the nanny that may categorize them into three categories:
1.A task related to the child.
-Increasing the child's desire in education.
-Directing the child's behaviors towards good habits.
-Giving the child appropriate chances to express freely about him/herself.
-Creating an environment which makes him feels safe and secure.
-Building a good relation with the child.
2. A task related to the nanny herself.
-Believing in the importance of the childhood level and its impact in the building of the child's personality.
-Believing in the importance of the educational role that she presents.
- Working to develop herself and expand her knowledge.
- Working to improve her morals to be a hero to the children.
-Getting more information about the child from his/her parents to understand his/her character and know how to deal with him/her.

قلب آمي وآبوووي =) @klb_amy_oaboooy
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

قلب آمي وآبوووي =)

الصفحة الأخيرة