درس مكياج يديد .. بالصوووور .. ذهبي وتركوازي

المكياج والعطور

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

حبيت انقل لكم درس للمكياج .. شفته في موقع اجنبي ..وان شاء الله تستفيدون منه ...:26:

ولا تنسوني من دعاااائكم الصالح:42:

e/s = eyeshadow = الشدو

كاتبة الدرس :liza

الأدوات المستخدمه :

أسماء الشدوهات .. من ماركة ماك M.A.C

-Ingenue Blue e/s

-Anti-Establishment e/s

-Night Train e/s

-Goldbit e/s

-Amberlights e/s

الفرش المستخدمه و أرقامها

-(Sephora ماركة ) concealer brush w/ synthetic bristles فرشاة خافي العيوب

-(Sephora ماركة ) medium/large flat shadow brush

-MAC 222 blending brush

-MAC 217 blending brush

-MAC 224 blending brush

-MAC 216 fluffy brush

-MAC 208 angled brow/liner brush

-MAC 266se angled liner brush

Ok, I start with bare face and all of that.

I didn't use any Urban Decay Primer Potion today.

But when I do, that's the first thing I put on.

نستخدم الشدو الستيك البيج من ماك على كامل الجفن
MAC's Shadestick in Beige-ing.

Then I blend it over my eye using the Sephora synthetic bristled concealer brush.
بعدين نمرر فوقه فرشاة الكونسيلر من ماركة سيفورا

There's after it's blended on my eyes.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

زايـ بنت ــد
زايـ بنت ــد
نستخدم الشدو Amber Lights .

I use Sephora's flat, large e/s brush to apply Amber Lights to 2/3 of my inner lid area (you can also use mac's 242 or 252 brush)

Amber Lights on lid, not blended though.

Then I use Ingenue Blue e/s.

I use MAC's 222 brush to apply Ingenue Blue to my crease area, concentrating the color to the outer part and bringing it into the inner eye area a bit.

Here it is after using Ingenue Blue e/s.

Then I use MAC's Night Train e/s.

I use the 217 brush to apply Night Train to the outer V area

Start at the outside point and blend inward into Ingenue Blue and Amber Lights.

Here it is all blended together.
زايـ بنت ــد
زايـ بنت ــد
نستخدم الشدو Amber Lights . I use Sephora's flat, large e/s brush to apply Amber Lights to 2/3 of my inner lid area (you can also use mac's 242 or 252 brush) Amber Lights on lid, not blended though. Then I use Ingenue Blue e/s. I use MAC's 222 brush to apply Ingenue Blue to my crease area, concentrating the color to the outer part and bringing it into the inner eye area a bit. Here it is after using Ingenue Blue e/s. Then I use MAC's Night Train e/s. I use the 217 brush to apply Night Train to the outer V area . Start at the outside point and blend inward into Ingenue Blue and Amber Lights. Here it is all blended together.
نستخدم الشدو Amber Lights . I use Sephora's flat, large e/s brush to apply Amber Lights...
Then I use Goldbit e/s.

I use the 216 brush (or another fluffy brush) to apply Goldbit to the brow bone area, tear duct area, and slightly under the outer v/temple area.

Then I use MAC's Dark Sould pigment.

I use the 208 brush to line my upper eye line with Dark Soul piggie.

Here it is all finished with Stila Fibre Optic mascara.

I also lined the lower lash line with Dark Soul in the outer part and Amber Lights in the inner part.

And my brows are filled in with MAC's Myster e/s.
يزاااااااااااااااااااج الله خير سهل وايد ان شاء الله اجربه
فرحه عُمر
فرحه عُمر
ياليت يكون بالعربي ...................علشان نفهم الشرح ...................

والصور ماهي طالعه .؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
ساره الحلوة
ساره الحلوة
الوصول لهذه الصفحة غير مسموح
في السعودية
يعطيكِ العافية