انا بغيت استشارة بكتب لك الهستوري مالي و فيديني شو لازم اسوي الحين اذا بغيت احمل مرة ثانية
iam 28 years old G5 P1 with history of recurrent spontaneous abortion and subchronic hemorrhage. In the last pregnancy (Oct 2 2004) I status post lymphocyte immunization procedure and treated with Primolut in order to stabilize a subchrionic hemorrhage which delivered in the last pregnancy.
My OB history is three miscarriage ( 4 month ) and one full term spontaneous delivery.
I delivered my son on 20 June 2005, who was a product of induced vaginal delivery because of postdates. I did a fetal echo at 30 weeks of gestational age, where it showed possibility of hypoplastic left heart syndrome with signal ventricle, common AV valve without significant regurgitation, hypoplastic aorta, dilated pulmonary artery, and normally related great arteries. Upon birth he had an echocardiogram done which confirm the prenatal findings. ( Hypoplastic left heart syndrome with mitral atresia. Moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation and depressed right ventricular function, which put him at extremely high risk of Norwood procedure). He traveled to UK and arrived to Harly Street Clinic where he did the stage one of Norwood surgery on 1.7.2005. He died on 2nd of July 2005.
شو الحل لمشاكلي الصحية ؟ ساعديني

الــدُمانــي @aldmany
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
خليك أول من تشارك برأيها 💁🏻♀️