The Official U.S Green Card Lottery Program
United States Department of State, National Visa Center
65 Rochester Ave. ( Portsmouth. NH 03801-2909)
Case Number WAC2033822156
Preferences Categories: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign-State-chargeability: Asia-Pacific
Dear winner,
We wish to notify you that you are among the lucky selected winners of the USA Green Card e-mail ballot lottery program of the 2007/08 edition. The lottery draw was held in the U.S State of Hawaii and was conducted under the terms of Section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 2006 (Pub.L.101-649)
Your e-mail address alongside 5.3 million e-mail addresses were randomly extracted during the 66-days extraction period that ran from (11.00 AM on December 8, 2007 until midnight, February, 11 2008) The-email addresses were assigned to different-ticket numbers for representation for final selection, and your-email address attached to N0-#76403-drew-the numbers that won you the Green-Card.
Notification is through the selected-email addresses, approximately 575 winners had been notified through their selected-email addresses including you today (Tue 25-03-2008) Your visa duration is 10 years multiple entries to the U.S, it is renewable upon expiration and it permits you to travel to the U.S with your spouse.
The visas have been apportioned among the six geographic regions and our Green- Card processing experts had been apportioned among the six geographic regions. Your-Green Card-winning details falls within our Asia/pacific region office as indicated and we have forwarded your winning details to our Asia/Pacific office for the-processing of your-Green Card and immigrant visa issuance application documents with your Case Number.
Therefore, FOR YOUR GREEN CARD AND VISA ISSUANCE APPLICATION PROCESSING FORMS AND REQUIREMENTS, contact our Asia/pacific office with the below contact details;
Please read and follow all the enclosed instructions very carefully. Selected winners and their accompanying family members should obtain their visas through the U.S consulates in their home countries or their nearest U.S Embassy, they will be notified of their visa interview appointments once the processing is complete and they should go to the Embassy when directed with their processed application documents and visa interview appointment letters for the issuance of their visas, they will need to act on their visa claim application quickly before the expiration of the visa claim deadline which is on the (27-04-2008)
Selected winners living legally in the United States who wish to pursue their Green Card status should contact any of our regional offices where their winning details falls for information's on the requirements and procedures.
All FORMS AND CORRESPONDENCE must be sent to our Asia/pacific office at the above address. If it should be necessary to contact our Asia/Pacific office by telephone, you must always refer to your Case Number as they appear above. Your Case Number is clearly written at the upper left hand corner of your notification letter.
Processing Fee.
Single application-$750USD
Dual/family application-$1,250USD
The processing fee pays for the accuracy preparation of every document, Green card experts charges a nominal fee to cover administrative and processing costs incurred in conjunction with the careful processing of every document. The payment of the processing fee should be directed to our Asia/Pacific office where your Green Card winning details falls for the proce-ssing of your documents.
According to J.Stevenson Wilson, Author of Visa Lottery services Report, the total average fee charged by Green-Card lottery services $750USD for one person, there is no correlation between the fee charged and the quality of services provided and its- benefits.
Green Card-Benefits.
All selected winners and accompanying family members will get the constant legal status of the U.S inhabitant, an opportunity of free country entrance and departure, the right to be working legally and getting American salary, Green Card holders also receive health, education, retirement, taxation, social security and other benefits.
Non-eligible countries.
Selected winners from the following countries are not eligible to make the claim of their visas. Mexico-Brazil-Canada-Elsalvador-Jamaica-Peru-Korea-Dominican Republic-Philippines-Vietnam-Taiwan-China- Russia-United-Kingdom (except Northern-Ireland and its dependent countries)
Do not reply back to this notification e-mail (busy)
Sincerely yours,
Mrs, Grace Roberts.
Secretary General U.S Consulate-Kentucky

أماسيل @amasyl
هذا الموضوع مغلق.

اسيرة نت2007
هذي عن برنامج خاص باليانصيب

هذا عن اللوتري تبع الكرين كارد الامريكي والظاهر انك مقدمه وفايزه بالقرعه
ولازم تتصلين بالسفاره الموجوده في بلدك وتكاليف الابلكيشن 750 للشخص او 1250 للعائله
ولازم تبدين باجراءات الفيزه قبل انتهائها في2008- 27-4
وبعدها هم يعطوك موعد للمقابله وفي كلام كثير عن مميزات الكرين كارد والشخص الداخل لامريكا وعنده كرين كارد
هذا الي فهمته وان شاء الله البنات يفيدوك اكثر
ولازم تتصلين بالسفاره الموجوده في بلدك وتكاليف الابلكيشن 750 للشخص او 1250 للعائله
ولازم تبدين باجراءات الفيزه قبل انتهائها في2008- 27-4
وبعدها هم يعطوك موعد للمقابله وفي كلام كثير عن مميزات الكرين كارد والشخص الداخل لامريكا وعنده كرين كارد
هذا الي فهمته وان شاء الله البنات يفيدوك اكثر
الصفحة الأخيرة