السلام عليكم ..رمضآن كريم وكل عام وإنتم بخيرر :hearts:
ممكن أحد يساعدني بحلها::freak6:
1. why is it important to have a lexicon?
2. Why must the lexicon not be a closed list of words?
3. How can we define creativity in linguistics?
1. Give ONE example of a word-formation process that is blocked because of a phonological factor.
2. In English, we can create an agentive noun from a related verb by adding the suffix (-er). Examples are the following:
write → writer build → builder teach → teacher
But, when the same meaning is denoted by an exited word in English, the formation of the agentive noun from a verb is blocked. For example, English has the word "thief" and hence the formation of the agentive noun "steal-er" from the verb "steal" is blocked.
steal → *stealer
Is this blocking because of a phonological, morphological or semantic factor?
1. If the new word "google" is added to the English lexicon, what type of information would you expect the lexicon to have about this word? Please be specific in your answer.
2. Some writers have used the term "post-google" as in (in the post-google era). What type of creativity is this? And why?

ريناد الحجوري @rynad_alhgory
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ريناد الحجوري
الله يسعدكم ساعدوني :44:
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