دنيتى بناتى
دنيتى بناتى
بنااااااات بسالكم عن شغله
انا دايما اشوفكم تقولون زيت جوز الهند اللى بالقوطى الاخضر ريحته قويه
ومره قريت وحده تقول ما اقدر اتحمل ريحته
يا بنات انا شريته ماله ريحه
شلووووون.... اخاف اللى شريته مو اصلى؟؟ ولا شنو السالفه ؟؟
عفيه جاوبونى
*أم يزن*
*أم يزن*
الاخضر ريحته لاتطاق

برشوت السايل أو الكريمي
أختي برشوت الأخضر ولا الأزرق
أختي برشوت الأخضر ولا الأزرق
مشكوره اختي على المقال الصراحه فتحتي عيوني على براشوت
دنيتى بناتى
دنيتى بناتى
شلون الزيت اللى عندى ما له ريحه؟
Hi 5
Hi 5
You are right my friend she using it ..her hair it was below her shoulders before,but after that she sit on it.And every month it grow longer she trim it to the end of her back.The sad part she didn`t tell about this oil,because I tell her everything I knew about hair oils,cream ..................etc.By accedent one day we talking I told her about the Parashout oil she said(this oil I using it for long time and every time is finish my husband get me one).At that I realize she was using it all these years and get all this hair and she didn`t tell me and when I ask her she tell wrong products,any how sorrrry for the long storry,But I have to tell some one..Thank you for listening...