السلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يخليكم انا محتااسه والله عندي واجبات وبحث وما عملت منهم شئ وبدي منكم مساعده شويه
اللي تعرف فيلم اسموا Rebecca 1960 and Psycho 1960
لازم اعمل عليهم review
اللي تعرف ما تبخل عليا الله يسعدكم ابغاها ضروووري وبسرعه
جزاكم الله خير
raghad1 @raghad1
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
عزيزتي تمنيت اني اقدر اساعدك بس مافي اليد حيله ... سوي بحث في الجوجل وان شاء الله تلاقي اللي تبغيه ..اتمنى لك التوفيق
حبيبتي فيه فيلم rebecca بس مو عام 1960
فيه عام 1040
A shy ladies companion is staying in Monte Carlo with her stuffy employer when she meets the wealthy Maxim de Winter. Max is still troubled by the death of his wife, Rebecca in a boating accident the year before. She and Max fall in love, get married and return to Manderlay, his large country estate in Cornwall. The second Mrs. de Winter meets the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers and discovers that Rebecca still has a strange hold on everyone at Manderlay
psycho 1960
Phoenix officeworker Marion Crane is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam's California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel. The motel is managed by a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be dominated by his mother.
For Marion Crane, it's been quite an eventful day. The day before, she had stolen $40,000 from her employer's client, packed her bags and driven all day on her way to join her paramour several hundred miles away. Now, she is taking a relaxing hot shower after her long day's journey. The remoteness of the motel suit her purposes perfectly. The only sounds heard are the chirping of the crickets, the splashing of the water, and her humming contentedly as the hot needles of water caress her aching shoulders
Marion wants more out of life. She want to marry Sam, but he has very little money and cannot afford a wedding. She feels herself stuck in a no-win situation, until one Friday her boss asks her to deposit a large sum of money
Marion Crane is a Phoenix, Arizona working girl fed up with having to sneak away during lunch breaks to meet her lover, Sam Loomis, who cannot get married because most of his money goes towards alimony. One Friday, Marion's employer asks her to take $40,000 in cash to a local bank for deposit. Desperate to make a change in her life, she impulsively leaves town with the money, determined to start a new life with Sam in California. As night falls and a torrential rain obscures the road ahead of her, Marion turns off the main highway. Exhausted from the long drive and the stress of her criminal act, she decides to spend the night at the desolate Bates Motel. The motel is run by Norman Bates, a peculiar young man dominated by his invalid mother. After Norman fixes her a light dinner, Marion goes back to her room for a shower
Marion Crane works at a Real Estate Office in Arizona. She has a sister named Lila and a boyfriend named Sam. She wants to marry Sam, but the two do not have enough money, since Sam is still paying off his ex-wife's alimony, and she has a small job at Lowery's office. One Friday, December the eleventh, Mr. Cassidy, a rich oil tycoon, comes to the office to give Lowery $40,000 to buy a house for his daughter's wedding present. Lowery asks Marion to deposit the cash and she said she would. Instead, she packs up and heads for Fairvale to see Sam, with the money in her purse. She ends up at the Bates Motel where she meets Norman Bates, a troubled young man who seems to be obsessed with his Mother. After Norman feeds Marion dinner, she goes back to her room for a shower
اتمنى اني افدتك
فيه عام 1040
A shy ladies companion is staying in Monte Carlo with her stuffy employer when she meets the wealthy Maxim de Winter. Max is still troubled by the death of his wife, Rebecca in a boating accident the year before. She and Max fall in love, get married and return to Manderlay, his large country estate in Cornwall. The second Mrs. de Winter meets the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers and discovers that Rebecca still has a strange hold on everyone at Manderlay
psycho 1960
Phoenix officeworker Marion Crane is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam's California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel. The motel is managed by a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be dominated by his mother.
For Marion Crane, it's been quite an eventful day. The day before, she had stolen $40,000 from her employer's client, packed her bags and driven all day on her way to join her paramour several hundred miles away. Now, she is taking a relaxing hot shower after her long day's journey. The remoteness of the motel suit her purposes perfectly. The only sounds heard are the chirping of the crickets, the splashing of the water, and her humming contentedly as the hot needles of water caress her aching shoulders
Marion wants more out of life. She want to marry Sam, but he has very little money and cannot afford a wedding. She feels herself stuck in a no-win situation, until one Friday her boss asks her to deposit a large sum of money
Marion Crane is a Phoenix, Arizona working girl fed up with having to sneak away during lunch breaks to meet her lover, Sam Loomis, who cannot get married because most of his money goes towards alimony. One Friday, Marion's employer asks her to take $40,000 in cash to a local bank for deposit. Desperate to make a change in her life, she impulsively leaves town with the money, determined to start a new life with Sam in California. As night falls and a torrential rain obscures the road ahead of her, Marion turns off the main highway. Exhausted from the long drive and the stress of her criminal act, she decides to spend the night at the desolate Bates Motel. The motel is run by Norman Bates, a peculiar young man dominated by his invalid mother. After Norman fixes her a light dinner, Marion goes back to her room for a shower
Marion Crane works at a Real Estate Office in Arizona. She has a sister named Lila and a boyfriend named Sam. She wants to marry Sam, but the two do not have enough money, since Sam is still paying off his ex-wife's alimony, and she has a small job at Lowery's office. One Friday, December the eleventh, Mr. Cassidy, a rich oil tycoon, comes to the office to give Lowery $40,000 to buy a house for his daughter's wedding present. Lowery asks Marion to deposit the cash and she said she would. Instead, she packs up and heads for Fairvale to see Sam, with the money in her purse. She ends up at the Bates Motel where she meets Norman Bates, a troubled young man who seems to be obsessed with his Mother. After Norman feeds Marion dinner, she goes back to her room for a shower
اتمنى اني افدتك
ربيكا قصة لدافني دو مورييه (المؤلفة)
وسيكو فيلم لألفريد هتشكوك (المخرج)
متهيألي لو دورتي عليهم بالشكل ده في جوجل هاتلاقي مواضيع كتير عنهم
المشترك بينهم هو أن الاتنين بيتكلموا عن العوالم النفسية المختلفة
وأن خلف المظهر البرئ المحترم ممكن تجدي فظائع
بالذات أن الاتنين القتلة لا نستطيع أدانتهم أخلاقيا لانهم كانوا ضحايا بقدر ما كانوا جناة
للأسف لقد قرأت القصة وشاهدت الفيلم منذ زمن طويل قبل أن اصل للاعدادي
ولهذا ذكرياتي محدودة عنهم
أتمنى أن أكون أفدتك
وسيكو فيلم لألفريد هتشكوك (المخرج)
متهيألي لو دورتي عليهم بالشكل ده في جوجل هاتلاقي مواضيع كتير عنهم
المشترك بينهم هو أن الاتنين بيتكلموا عن العوالم النفسية المختلفة
وأن خلف المظهر البرئ المحترم ممكن تجدي فظائع
بالذات أن الاتنين القتلة لا نستطيع أدانتهم أخلاقيا لانهم كانوا ضحايا بقدر ما كانوا جناة
للأسف لقد قرأت القصة وشاهدت الفيلم منذ زمن طويل قبل أن اصل للاعدادي
ولهذا ذكرياتي محدودة عنهم
أتمنى أن أكون أفدتك
الشء الذي نسيت أخبارك به هو أن ماكسيم قتل زوجته ربيكا وتعلم بهذا زوجته الجديدة بالصدفة
ونورمان سيقتل ماريون وأختها ستبحث عن الحقيقة حتى تكشف هذه الجريمة والتي ليست الاولى من نوعها فهو يقتل النزيلات الوحيدات في فندقه
ربيكا كانت تذل مااكسيم بعلاقاتها وبأهمالها له كزوج
ونورمان كانت مصابا بفصام ويتقمص شخصية أمه التي أحبها جدا ثم كرهها عندما قررت أن تتزوج وقتلها هي و عريسها عندما كان طفلا وأيدت القضية ضد مجهول
طوال الفيلم ونحن نعتقد أن أمه على قيد الحياة ولكننا نكتشف أنها ماتت منذ زمن زلكنه استخرج جثتها وحنطها ويرتدي ملابسها ويتقمص شخصيتها عندما يقرر القتل
الفيلم مرعب وقصة ربيكا لا تقل أرعابا ولاأنصحك بمشاهدتهم ليلا
لو تذكرت أي شئ سأقول لك
ونورمان سيقتل ماريون وأختها ستبحث عن الحقيقة حتى تكشف هذه الجريمة والتي ليست الاولى من نوعها فهو يقتل النزيلات الوحيدات في فندقه
ربيكا كانت تذل مااكسيم بعلاقاتها وبأهمالها له كزوج
ونورمان كانت مصابا بفصام ويتقمص شخصية أمه التي أحبها جدا ثم كرهها عندما قررت أن تتزوج وقتلها هي و عريسها عندما كان طفلا وأيدت القضية ضد مجهول
طوال الفيلم ونحن نعتقد أن أمه على قيد الحياة ولكننا نكتشف أنها ماتت منذ زمن زلكنه استخرج جثتها وحنطها ويرتدي ملابسها ويتقمص شخصيتها عندما يقرر القتل
الفيلم مرعب وقصة ربيكا لا تقل أرعابا ولاأنصحك بمشاهدتهم ليلا
لو تذكرت أي شئ سأقول لك
اهلين الاخت الترف تسلميلي على مروووورك الجميل
الاخت dalo3a zoje جزاكي الله الف خير وما قصرتي
nodo الله يسعدك يارب وينولك اللي في بالك وجزاكي الله الف الف خير على المعلومات اللي افدتيني بها وانا في انتظار المزيد ان شاء اللله
جزاكم الله الف خير يا بنات حواء على معاونتكم للجميع ..
الاخت dalo3a zoje جزاكي الله الف خير وما قصرتي
nodo الله يسعدك يارب وينولك اللي في بالك وجزاكي الله الف الف خير على المعلومات اللي افدتيني بها وانا في انتظار المزيد ان شاء اللله
جزاكم الله الف خير يا بنات حواء على معاونتكم للجميع ..
الصفحة الأخيرة