
butshi @butshi

عضوة نشيطة

ساااااااااااااااااااااااعدوني بسررررررررعة

اللغة الأنجليزية

سلام لكل اصحاب المنتدى الرائع....ماابغا اطول كلام عندي جمل وابغا منكم تكونوا منها سؤال طبعا الجمل هي الاجابة بس ماعرفت اكون لها اسئلة فساعدوني فيها قبل الفجر بليييييييز الله يسعدكم

1- oil is formed from tiny plants and animals

2-satelites and vibrations are the only ways to find oil

3-drills always find oil and gas

4- petrol is the only product that comes from arefinery

5-furniture and building are oil products

هذي هي الجمل الله يعافيكم ردوا علي اليوم ضروووري اللي يعرف يكون اسئلة لهذي الجمل


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

What is oil formed from
1- oil is formed from tiny plants and animals

How can we find oil

2-satelites and vibrations are the only ways to find oil

What can drills always find

3-drills always find oil and gas

What products that come from a refinery

4- petrol is the only product that comes from a refinery

Name some oil products

5-furniture and building are oil products

اسمحي لي أنقله للقسم المناسب :)
سارة 911
سارة 911
اسمحيلى أضع ترجمتي لها .. لأن بعض الإجابات تحتمل يكون لها أكثر من سؤال

1- oil is formed from tiny plants and animals
what is oil formed from?

2-satelites and vibrations are the only ways to find oil
what are the ways to find oil?

3-drills always find oil and gas
what does always find oil and gas?

4- petrol is the only product that comes from arefinery
what are the products that come from a refinery?

5-furniture and building are oil products
what are oil products? or Give some examples of oil products.

اتمنى لك كل التوفيق ان شاء الله أختى
