ساااااااااااااااااعددوني الله يفرج همكم
السلام عليكم
اخواني رعاكم الله انا عندي واجبين وحليتها واجتهدت في حلها لكن بعذها لم استطيع حله يمكن فقرة او فقرتين كما اووود منكم حفظكم الله ان تتأكدول لي من حلها هل هي صحيحه ام لا واذا وجد خطأ اتمنى تصححونه ليه وشكررررررا
Home**** 2
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions, remember that there are certain prepositions that can be used with adjectives, verbs and nouns.
1. I want to talk with the group about their exams.
2. All last winter he suffered from coughs and colds.
3. She bought a painting ________ Waterhouse.
4. We went to a short business trip to Paris.
5. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs to .
6. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend on them
7. He was afraid of his enemies.
8. I’ve always been terribly fond _____ you.
9. My problems are very similar to yours.
10.Someone who is a fine athlete is good at games.
11. I’m very much surprised at you. I can’t understand the way you behave.
12. Life is very different from what it used to be.
13. Who is responsible for this mess?
14. Let's drive today, I think the bus drivers are on strike.
15. There is a real demand for qualified English teachers.
1. Write the missing words. Choose from the words below.
could, shall, would, idea, what, wondering,
feel, to, fancy, don't, like, how, rather, afraid
الواجب الثاني لم استطع اضافته لانه يطلع متداخل في بعضه فنزلته على شكل مرفق
ماعرفت انزله على شكل مرفق بس هذا الرابط حقه

الدرة المكنون @aldr_almknon_8
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الدرة المكنون

الصفحة الأخيرة