أهليييييييييين بالكل ,, ان شاء الله تكونوا بخير
بناات صديقتي تبغى مساعدتكم في ذي القطعه بس تبغى تعدلون لها فيه من ناحية القرمر .. وتعديل الاخطاء
اليييوووووووووم لازززم
Purpose of traditional education focuses on maintaining the student and the limited participation of students in the classroom, and give the student information through indoctrination. Also do not use technology in teaching.
Curriculum development to aims to keep pace with the rapid events include a modern curriculum in the field of cooperative education and good communication with the sources of knowledge and integration of subjects across the different stages. It also provides an opportunity for students to choose activities appropriate to their abilities and interests and their needs to the maximum extent possible, provide education commensurate with students' abilities and interests.
Finally, the development and aims to link the development of information and learning the practical and technical life of the contemporary focus on practical examples from real life.

بنـ وايل ـــــت @bn_oayl_t
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

The purpose of traditional education is to focus on maintaining the students and their limited participation in the classroom.It gives information through indoctrination and does not use technology in teaching too.
Curriculum development aims to keep pace with the rapid events including a modern curriculum in the field of cooperative education and good communication with the sources of knowledge and integration of subjects across the different stages. Also, it provides an opportunity for students to choose appropriate activities to their abilities and interests. Besides that, it provides a suitable education for the students' abilities and interests according to their needs to the maximum possible extent .
Finally, the development aims to link the development of information and the practical learning . The technical life of the contemporary education focuses on the practical examples from the real life.
Curriculum development aims to keep pace with the rapid events including a modern curriculum in the field of cooperative education and good communication with the sources of knowledge and integration of subjects across the different stages. Also, it provides an opportunity for students to choose appropriate activities to their abilities and interests. Besides that, it provides a suitable education for the students' abilities and interests according to their needs to the maximum possible extent .
Finally, the development aims to link the development of information and the practical learning . The technical life of the contemporary education focuses on the practical examples from the real life.
الصفحة الأخيرة
Curriculum development aims to keep pace with the rapid events including a modern curriculum in the field of cooperative education and good communication with the sources of knowledge and integration of subjects across the different stages. Also, it provides an opportunity for students to choose appropriate activities to their abilities, interests. Besides that, it provides a suitable education for the students' abilities and interests according to their needs to the maximum extent possible.
Finally, the development aims to link the development of information and learning the practical and technical life of the contemporary focus on the practical examples from the real life.