ساااعدوني ضرووووري
Hi every body ..
I need every one who read my subject to give me some idea.
I will write a report about any things related to Information Technology
I need from you answer the following question to make the mindmap
general Topic ( It should related to the Information Technology)..
Second :
subtopic ( It should related to the general topic)..
focus point (It should related to the general topic)..
after that I need five questions you could ask people about your focus point. ( it should not contain( yse, no question) and I hope from you to write a simple answer to this 5 questions.
This is example if you don’t understand what I want.
general Topic ( the internet)..
Second :
subtopic ( using the internet for research)..
focus point ( using the internet for researching projects)..
five questions you could ask people about your focus point. ( it should not contain( yse, no question) and I hope from you to write a simple answer to this 5 questions.
1. what language do you use most to do research?
a) Arabic. B) English. C) others
2. how many projects each semester do you use the internet for ?
a) less than 5 b) more than 5 c) never
3.which website do you like to use to find information for your project ?
a) google b) yahoo c) others
4.HOW many website do you use when you do your project?
a) 2 b) other c) depend on information
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
أنا ما اريد موضوع ..
بس اريد اسئلة واجابات بسيطة عليها ..
مثل هذي :
This is example if you don’t understand what I want.
general Topic ( the internet)..
Second :
subtopic ( using the internet for research)..
focus point ( using the internet for researching projects)..
five questions you could ask people about your focus point. ( it should not contain( yse, no question) and I hope from you to write a simple answer to this 5 questions.
1. what language do you use most to do research?
a) Arabic. B) English. C) others
2. how many projects each semester do you use the internet for ?
a) less than 5 b) more than 5 c) never
3.which website do you like to use to find information for your project ?
a) google b) yahoo c) others
4.HOW many website do you use when you do your project?
a) 2 b) other c) depend on information
بس اريد اسئلة واجابات بسيطة عليها ..
مثل هذي :
This is example if you don’t understand what I want.
general Topic ( the internet)..
Second :
subtopic ( using the internet for research)..
focus point ( using the internet for researching projects)..
five questions you could ask people about your focus point. ( it should not contain( yse, no question) and I hope from you to write a simple answer to this 5 questions.
1. what language do you use most to do research?
a) Arabic. B) English. C) others
2. how many projects each semester do you use the internet for ?
a) less than 5 b) more than 5 c) never
3.which website do you like to use to find information for your project ?
a) google b) yahoo c) others
4.HOW many website do you use when you do your project?
a) 2 b) other c) depend on information
الصفحة الأخيرة
تكلمي مثلا عن تكنلوجيا المعلومات وانواعها
تكلمي عن الانترنت كا موضوع خاص مثلا
بالنسبه لاسالتك مافهمت كيف تبينها بالتوفيق