bintaboha @bintaboha
عضوة جديدة
لو سمحتوا بغيت موضوع عن milkالحليب ومشقاته وفوائده بليييييييز تودي
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مرحبا ..
عندكِ محرك بحث بالانجليزي جيد ..
ضعي الكلمة ويطلع لكِ كل شي ..
موفقة :27:
الله يعطيكِ العافية ماذن على المساعدة ..
عندكِ محرك بحث بالانجليزي جيد ..
ضعي الكلمة ويطلع لكِ كل شي ..
موفقة :27:
الله يعطيكِ العافية ماذن على المساعدة ..

الصفحة الأخيرة
Milk is an excellent source of
That’s because milk and dairy foods have lots of calcium and other nutrients that make bones grow strong and healthy. Children and teenagers especially need the calcium and other bone-building materials in milk because their bones are growing more than at any other time in their lives.
Studies show that most kids don’t get the calcium they need. In fact, more than half of teenage boys and girls don’t get the recommended amount of calcium.
Calcium makes bones strong. Bones may seem hard and lifeless, but they are actually growing and alive. Because bones grow most during the childhood and teenage years, these times are especially important for getting them strong and healthy. By eating and drinking lots of foods with calcium, children and teens can help build their "bone banks" to store calcium to keep bones strong for the rest of their lives.
Calcium helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones weak and break more easily. Getting enough calcium as children or teens can help protect against osteoporosis. Although the effects of osteoporosis might not show up until adulthood, kids need to get enough calcium when they are young to help prevent it.
Bones also need weight-bearing exercise to become stronger. Activities such as walking, running, jumping rope, dancing, climbing stairs, and playing team sports, like basketball, soccer, and volleyball, help make bones stronger
Calcium makes the whole mouth healthy. Calcium keeps teeth strong and healthy throughout life. Even before baby and adult teeth come in they need calcium to develop fully. And after teeth come in they stay strong and resist decay by taking in calcium. Calcium also makes gums healthy. Getting enough calcium as a young adult may help prevent gum disease later in life. And calcium makes jawbones strong and healthy, too.
Milk and other dairy foods, such as cheese and yogurt, are excellent sources of calcium. One 8‑ounce glass of milk has about 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium. Just a few glasses of milk can go a long way toward giving kids the calcium they need each day.
Milk also has other vitamins and minerals that are good for bones and teeth. One especially important nutrient is vitamin D, which helps the body to absorb more calcium