ساعدوني ...... أريد مقال باللغة الإنجليزية

اللغة الأنجليزية

لو سمحتوا أريد مساعدتي في كتابة مقال باللغة الإنجليزية عاااااااااااااجلاااااااااا الله يسعدكم عندي أمل كبيرررررررر في مساعدتي

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

عبق المشاعر
عبق المشاعر
طيب عن ايش المقال... وش موضوعه...؟؟؟ فهمينا عشان نقدر نساعدك...
جزاك الله خير عبق المشاعر
المقال ابغاه عن اي شيء صاحبتي تبغاه للكلية
أرجو مساعدتي في اقرب وقت
بنت الهم
بنت الهم
Reading helps to improve a language

Most of people know that reading is very important in education. We also know that the more you read, the faster you read. Reading make the reader be flexible in their discussing and thinking so they have open mind. I agree strongly that the best way to improve at a language is to read daily because it helps you to widen your knowledge and information and it helps you to build good structure.

Reading helps you to widen your knowledge and information so that you will have good background knowledge to use it as a good example for writing. Also, if you have good information it will help you to organize ideas for discussing in any topic in this language. for example, if you widen the knowledge it will be very well for you because useful knowledge is very important to make you enable to get on in a career, pass an examination, be good in conversation and helps for learning. In addition, reading is much easier than listening to take knowledge and information.
Reading helps you to build good structure. Good structure will help you to know the meaning exactly. For example, “When people write, they usually use "correct" English with a proper grammatical structure. This is not always true when people speak. So, by reading you see and learn grammatical English naturally.” (*1). The more you read the more you get good in the structure and the more you will be correctly in grammar. For example, if you read you will know how the sentence in grammar organizes.

In conclusion, all teachers in schools and universities should encourage their students to read daily. Reading helps to get stronger at a language because it helps you to expand your knowledge and information and it increase your power in structure. I believe that the more you read, the more it helps to improve a language. My advice to all student to don’t wait until your exam to increase your skills by reading, but reed, read and read to improve at a language. In general, the library is a great place to start reading and on the internet there are many different reading comprehensions which were very interesting reading. In my opinion, you should be honest with yourself when you are reading that you understand what you are read and to be interested in.

اتمنى اكون قدرت اساعدج
والسمووووووحه على القصور
داده ست أبوها
داده ست أبوها
السلام عليكم
يابنات ممكن وحده منكم تساعدني في مقال أنجليزي عن حديقة الحيوان(zoo)
الله يوفقكم في الدنيا والاخره ويرزقكم اللي في بالكم
الله يجزاك الجنة بنت الهم ( غيري اسمك وتفائلي )
و مشكورررررررررره على المقال و مقصرتي
و الله يفرج همك و يوفقك و يسعدك في الدنيا والآخرة .

داده ست أبوها هلااااااااا بك كان بودي أساعدك لكن للأسف ما أعرف إنجليزي و الأخوات ما بيقصرون بيساعدونك .

و لا أحد يسرق المقال حقي الحقوق صارت ليه ههههههههههه