ساعدوني احتاج لترجمة من انجليزي للعربي عندي امتحان , جزاكم الله خير


ألسلام عليكم ,احتاج لترجمة هدة القطعة قبل منتصف النهار غدا ساعدوني الله يساعدكم.
Basic Ideas about vitamins
the term vitamin is attributed to the polish chemist Casimir funk who coined if from vita (meaning life),and amine ( a class of chemical substances to which vitamins were assigned, albeit incorrectly). Funk merely put a name to a concept of micronutrients, usually present in food ,that are essential to maintain health in animals and man , originally suggested by the British chemist ,Hopkins.Strictly speaking ,a true vitamin should satisfy certain criteria before being acceptable as such and these are:1-They are needed only in small amounts.
2-adequate amounts should be supplied in the diet.
3-when they are deficient the individual shows distinct clinical symptoms and disease.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

شوفي ياقمر هاذي ترجمه البرجراف حسب ترجمه قوقل

أفكار أساسية حول الفيتامينات

كلمة فيتامين يرجع الى الكيميائي البولندي كازيمير من الرائحه الكريهه اذا صيغت من فيتا (معنى الحياة) ، وأمين (فئة من المواد التي احيلت الفيتامينات ، ولو بشكل خاطئ. الرائحه الكريهه التي الاسم فقط إلى مفهوم المغذيات الدقيقة عادة في الغذاء ، والتي تعتبر ضروريه للحفاظ على صحة الحيوان والانسان ، اقترح الكيميائي البريطاني ، هوبكينس.ستريكتلي : صحيح ، أن فيتامين تلبية بعض الشروط قبل ذلك مقبولا وهذه هي Politics - التي لا تحتاج الا كميات قليلة. 2 - يجب توفير كميات اضافية في النظام الغذائي. 3 - عندما يظهر قصور الفرد متميز الاعراض السريريه والأمراض
4- that disease and these symptoms are cured only by treatment with that specific vitamin
these are only generalizations since there are exceptions to every criterion .For example , certain fats and amino acids ( from proteins ) are essential for health and can only be obtained from the diet but the relatively large quantities needed puts them outside the first criterion , although they satisfy the other three .Some vitamins are made within the body ,either in the tissues themselves or by bacteria that inhabits the intestine, but it is debatable whether sufficient for the bod's needs can be met in this way . A deficiency of a single vitamin of the vitamin b complex ,is rare so symptoms may be related to lack of more than one. Similarly ,treatment to overcome these symptoms may require multi-vitamin therapy , although in specific cases only one vitamin need be given.
4- that disease and these symptoms are cured only by treatment with that specific vitamin
these are only generalizations since there are exceptions to every criterion .For example , certain fats and amino acids ( from proteins ) are essential for health and can only be obtained from the diet but the relatively large quantities needed puts them outside the first criterion , although they satisfy the other three .Some vitamins are made within the body ,either in the tissues themselves or by bacteria that inhabits the intestine, but it is debatable whether sufficient for the bod's needs can be met in this way . A deficiency of a single vitamin of the vitamin b complex ,is rare so symptoms may be related to lack of more than one. Similarly ,treatment to overcome these symptoms may require multi-vitamin therapy , although in specific cases only one vitamin need be given.
4- that disease and these symptoms are cured only by treatment with that specific vitamin
these are only generalizations since there are exceptions to every criterion .For example , certain fats and amino acids ( from proteins ) are essential for health and can only be obtained from the diet but the relatively large quantities needed puts them outside the first criterion , although they satisfy the other three .Some vitamins are made within the body ,either in the tissues themselves or by bacteria that inhabits the intestine, but it is debatable whether sufficient for the bod's needs can be met in this way . A deficiency of a single vitamin of the vitamin b complex ,is rare so symptoms may be related to lack of more than one. Similarly ,treatment to overcome these symptoms may require multi-vitamin therapy , although in specific cases only one vitamin need be given.
4- that disease and these symptoms are cured only by treatment with that specific vitamin these are only generalizations since there are exceptions to every criterion .For example , certain fats and amino acids ( from proteins ) are essential for health and can only be obtained from the diet but the relatively large quantities needed puts them outside the first criterion , although they satisfy the other three .Some vitamins are made within the body ,either in the tissues themselves or by bacteria that inhabits the intestine, but it is debatable whether sufficient for the bod's needs can be met in this way . A deficiency of a single vitamin of the vitamin b complex ,is rare so symptoms may be related to lack of more than one. Similarly ,treatment to overcome these symptoms may require multi-vitamin therapy , although in specific cases only one vitamin need be given.
4- that disease and these symptoms are cured only by treatment with that specific vitamin these...
جزاك الله خير يا هايدي و ياريت تكمليلي الترجمة , ومن فضلك تدليني علي هدا الموقع للترجمة لاني جربت غوغل ومانفع