
nadyah22 @nadyah22

عضوة جديدة

ساعدوني اختبار انجليزي ثانوي

اللغة الأنجليزية

بنات ارجوكم عاجلا هذا الطلب ولا اريدكم ان تردوني
سؤال استخراج الاخطاء في هذه القطعة:

يوجد هناك خطا في كل سطر المطلوب تحديد الخطأ:

King abdul Aziz Al-Saud

There were many important adventure-
es in Abdul Azizs' life. Iin 1902, he
regained riyadh. Then in 1917 , he
captured Hofuf from the Turks, he
became Sultan of Najd in 1921. And
King of Hejaz in 1926. he unified the
whole country as Saudia Arabia in 1932.
In 1933, he gave the order to drill for oil,
He was responsible for beginning to
Develop the Country.

Universities In Saudi Arabia

universities in Saudi Arabia can be
divided into three main types first, there
are general universities, which offers
courses in both the humanities or the sc-
iences then there are specialized
Universities, which focus on certain
There are three general universities.
One of these are KKU, which has camp-
uses in Abha, Najran but Bishah.
Another is KAAU located in Jeddah.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بنت أبوها و أمها
King Abdul- Aziz Al-Saud

There were many important adventures
in Abdul Azizs' life.In1902, he
regained Riyadh. Then in 1917 , he
captured Hofuf from the Turks, he
became Sultan of Najd in 1921. and
King of Hejaz in 1926.He unified the
whole country as Saudia Arabia in 1932
In 1933, he gave the order to drill for oil
He was responsible for beginning to
develop the Country

Universities In Saudi Arabia

universities in Saudi Arabia can be
divided into three main types. First , there
are general universities, which offer
courses in both humanities and sciences , then there are specialized
universties, which focus on certain
There are three general universities.
One of these is KKU, which has campuses-
in Abha, Najran and Bishah
Another is KAAU which is located in Jeddah.

صلحت لك الأخطاء الاملائية و النحوية و أنت عليك ترتيب البراقرافات.بالتوفيق