السلام عليكم
الله يسعدكم ويوفقكم ابي تعبير عن قمة افرست مايتعدا ثلاث سطور
بس مابي من قوقل ابي وحده تعبر لي ..
انه يعد اعلى جبل في العالم وانه من سلسله من جبال الهملايا ويرتفع عن سطح البحر 9كم وسميت بهذا الاسم نسبه الى مخترعها
وبها منطقه تسمى منطقة الموت لانها تغطيها كم هائل من الثلوج
الظروف المناخية المحيطة بالجبل غير مناسبة اطلاقا للحياة النباتية او الحيوانية
كلما ارفعنا وتسلقنا يخف نسبة الاكسيجين

im fine @im_fine
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.It is a part of the Himalayan range.Its heigt 9 km above the sea level.It was named after its explorer Sir George Everest.As much as we go up, the oxygen decreases. the climate conditions that surround the mountain are not suitable for plant or animal life. There is an area called "The Death Zone" because it's covered by a huge amount of snow.

The climate conditions that surround the mountain are not suitable for plant or animal life.
نقلت هاي الجملة عشان نسيت اكتب الحرف الاول كبير
اتمنى اني اكون افدتك دعواتك
نقلت هاي الجملة عشان نسيت اكتب الحرف الاول كبير
اتمنى اني اكون افدتك دعواتك

It is the highest mountain in the world and it is a series of Himalayas and rises sea 9 km and called by this name relative to its creator
And the area called the death because it covers a tremendous amount of snow
Climatic conditions surrounding the mountain totally unsuitable for plant or animal life
Whenever lift and climbed up a concealed proportion of oxygen
ترجمه النص الي انتي كاتبته دعواتك
And the area called the death because it covers a tremendous amount of snow
Climatic conditions surrounding the mountain totally unsuitable for plant or animal life
Whenever lift and climbed up a concealed proportion of oxygen
ترجمه النص الي انتي كاتبته دعواتك
الصفحة الأخيرة
ترجمت لك الكلام اللي كاتبته
رتبت الجمل شويتين
The Everest Mountain is the highest mountain in the world. It considers a series of the Himalayas. Its height 9 KM above the sea surface. As much as we go up, the oxygen decreases. the climate conditions that surround the mountain are not suitable for plant or animal life. There is an area called The Death Area because it's covered by a huge amount of snow. The Everest Mountain called by this name because of its inventor.