ساعدوني ان احصل على وظيفة :)
مرحبا . انا صيدلانية ابحث عن وظيفة .. من يمكن له مساعدتي ؟ و ها هي السيرة الذاتية مجردة من عنواني و ارقام هاتفي . من يستطيع مساعدتي اعطيه التفاصيل على الخاص .
In The Name Of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful
Curriculum vitae
Personal Information:-
Name: Lana Darwish Mustafa Yacoub
Sex: Female
Nationality: UAE
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: 15/6/1980
Am looking for an available position in pharmaceutical fields in a dynamic working environment which encourage the development of employees, as a result I will get a chance to develop my skills and focus on my career growth.
Academic Qualifications:-
• Al Zaytoonah University (Amman – Jordan)
2005: B.Sc Pharmacy, Pharmacy College
• The National Cherty School (Dubai – United Arab Emirates)
1998: High school certificate (science section) with 83% score.
Training Courses:-
-Intensive course in Pharmaceutical Marketing , Al Zaytoonah University
(Amman – Jordan) For 15 Hours as work shop from
27th of February to 3rd of March 2005
Volunteer Experience :-
•Staff pharmacist , OPD Pharmacy , Al Baraha Hospital , Dubai
( 15th of may 2005 to 21 of September 2005)
•Training as a Clinical Pharmacist in Jordan Hospital as a part of our study from July 2000 to August 2000
•trainning in all the Pharmaceutical Fields for 1440 Hours during our study as a part of our Graduation Certificate
Skills Practiced:-
• Reading Prescriptions
• Preparing medications
• Dose calculations
• Dispense medications for patients
• Co-operating with employees and dealing with patients
Activities & Participation:-
- Participant in Dubai International Pharmaceutical & Technologies conference & Exhibition DUFAT 2006, Equivalent to 16.5 Credit Hours (13th to 15th March, 2006).
- Participant in the workshop on Zoonoses – the roles of pharmacist in preventing and / or treating diseases which pass from animal to humans (14th march 2006), Dubai International Exhibition Center – Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Participant in Continuing Medical Education Program for Pharmacist, in a lecture of pharmacotherapeutics (15th September 2005), Organized by Sharjah Medical District.
- MOH license
- Proficient in written and spoken Arabic
- Very good in written and spoken English
Computer Skills:-
Extensive experience with windows , Internet Explorer , Microsoft word , Microsoft excel

د. لانا @d_lana
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ذا بيوتي
اللهم ارزق اختي في الله د.لانا العمل و الوظيفه من عندك يا خير الرازقين

طيب شوفى الموقع ذا اكيد ان شاء الله بيفيدك بس لاتنسينى يالغالية من دعواتك
الصفحة الأخيرة