د. لانا

د. لانا @d_lana

عضوة جديدة

ساعدوني ان احصل على وظيفة :)


ساعدوني ان احصل على وظيفة :)
مرحبا . انا صيدلانية ابحث عن وظيفة .. من يمكن له مساعدتي ؟ و ها هي السيرة الذاتية مجردة من عنواني و ارقام هاتفي . من يستطيع مساعدتي اعطيه التفاصيل على الخاص .

In The Name Of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful

Curriculum vitae

Personal Information:-

Name: Lana Darwish Mustafa Yacoub
Sex: Female
Nationality: UAE
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: 15/6/1980


Am looking for an available position in pharmaceutical fields in a dynamic working environment which encourage the development of employees, as a result I will get a chance to develop my skills and focus on my career growth.

Academic Qualifications:-

• Al Zaytoonah University (Amman – Jordan)
2005: B.Sc Pharmacy, Pharmacy College
• The National Cherty School (Dubai – United Arab Emirates)
1998: High school certificate (science section) with 83% score.

Training Courses:-

-Intensive course in Pharmaceutical Marketing , Al Zaytoonah University
(Amman – Jordan) For 15 Hours as work shop from
27th of February to 3rd of March 2005

Volunteer Experience :-

•Staff pharmacist , OPD Pharmacy , Al Baraha Hospital , Dubai
( 15th of may 2005 to 21 of September 2005)

•Training as a Clinical Pharmacist in Jordan Hospital as a part of our study from July 2000 to August 2000

•trainning in all the Pharmaceutical Fields for 1440 Hours during our study as a part of our Graduation Certificate

Skills Practiced:-

• Reading Prescriptions
• Preparing medications
• Dose calculations
• Dispense medications for patients
• Co-operating with employees and dealing with patients

Activities & Participation:-

- Participant in Dubai International Pharmaceutical & Technologies conference & Exhibition DUFAT 2006, Equivalent to 16.5 Credit Hours (13th to 15th March, 2006).
- Participant in the workshop on Zoonoses – the roles of pharmacist in preventing and / or treating diseases which pass from animal to humans (14th march 2006), Dubai International Exhibition Center – Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Participant in Continuing Medical Education Program for Pharmacist, in a lecture of pharmacotherapeutics (15th September 2005), Organized by Sharjah Medical District.


- MOH license


- Proficient in written and spoken Arabic
- Very good in written and spoken English

Computer Skills:-

Extensive experience with windows , Internet Explorer , Microsoft word , Microsoft excel

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ذا بيوتي
ذا بيوتي
اللهم ارزق اختي في الله د.لانا العمل و الوظيفه من عندك يا خير الرازقين
املي بعد الله بهم
الله يرزقك ويوفقك
املي بعد الله بهم
طيب شوفى الموقع ذا اكيد ان شاء الله بيفيدك بس لاتنسينى يالغالية من دعواتك
