أبي مقال عن my admire
1-فالبدايه مقدمه كذا حلوه بشكل عام عن الموضوع
2-بعدين نقول من قدوتي وليش وش المواصفات اللي اعجبتني فيه
3-موقف اثر فيك شفتيه من قدوتك
*أبيه يوم الجمعه لازم اسلمه للدكتوره السبت اللي تساعدني لها دعوة مني بظهر غيب باللي تبي

وفاء سدير @ofaaa_sdyr
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ارجوانه الماسيه
انا بحاول اساعدك بس انتي ليش ماتكتبيه

my admire
Born in Mecca in the spring of the first year of the elephant before the fifty-three years of migration, as may be agreed in 570 AD. was born an orphan and the father lost his mother at an early age Fterby within the confines of his grandfather, and after him his uncle Abu Talib, where he grew up, and that period he was working and pastoral work of the trade. Married at the age of twenty-fifth of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid and fathered all his children except Ibrahim
Why my admiration personality Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
Good character of any good character with God, and good manners with other people
Born in Mecca in the spring of the first year of the elephant before the fifty-three years of migration, as may be agreed in 570 AD. was born an orphan and the father lost his mother at an early age Fterby within the confines of his grandfather, and after him his uncle Abu Talib, where he grew up, and that period he was working and pastoral work of the trade. Married at the age of twenty-fifth of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid and fathered all his children except Ibrahim
Why my admiration personality Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
Good character of any good character with God, and good manners with other people

هذي العناصر اللي تساعد عالكتابه
1-introduction:person you are writing about
2-paragraph:description of the person
one quality you want to emphasize
a story that shows this quality
3-conclusion:how the person has influenced you
المقال لازم يتضمن هذي الاشياء
1-introduction:person you are writing about
2-paragraph:description of the person
one quality you want to emphasize
a story that shows this quality
3-conclusion:how the person has influenced you
المقال لازم يتضمن هذي الاشياء

مافي احد بيساعدني وبيكتبلي ابي كثير زياده بختار الافضل اللي يتضمن كل العناصر اللي كتبتها لكم بدعيلها وربي لاتخيبون املي فيكم
مشكوره قمر الليالي الله يوفقك بارب ابي ترجمت مقالك وشكرآ
مشكوره قمر الليالي الله يوفقك بارب ابي ترجمت مقالك وشكرآ
الصفحة الأخيرة