ساعدوني ضروري ابغيه اليوم الله يخليكم

اللغة الأنجليزية

ابغي اكتب موضوع عن دولة اتمنى إني اسافر لها
اللي عندها اي موضوع لأي دولة تعطيني و يكون بحدود الـ 125كلمة :( و جزاكم الله خير

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

مرحبا يا حلوة انا حبيت اكتبلك عن باريس لاني بتمنى اني ازورها ان شالله الموضوع يعجبك

Paris was created some 2,000 years ago and began at the Cité Island (Ile de la Cité). With emphasis on the history and art of the capital this tour concentrates on two main visits. It includes: a drive through the Marais district and the Latin Quarter, a guided visit to Notre Dame Cathedral and to the Louvre (Winged Victory and Mona Lisa). At the end of the Louvre visit, clients have the option of spending the rest of the day at the museum.
With the museum pass, there's no admission charge, no waiting in lines and no limit to the number of times you can visit more than 70 museums and monuments in Paris and in the Paris region.

When La Tour Eiffel was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889 , it stood at a mighty 300m to commemorate the French Revolution for the International Exhibition of Paris . Of course, at that time it was the tallest monument around. Today, it isn't any more, but it provides a heck of a panorama from its topmost platform. Yup, there are 3 levels. The first two levels are die-hard step aerobic fans who are willing to pay 3.50euros and 6.50euros to burst their lungs climbing the iron staircase. The third level are for people who are only slightly smarter as they will to cough up 11 euros like any good tourist to oogle at the view from the top. Cost aside, the view of Paris, from its topmost platforms is FANTASTIC and it's worth being a temporary sardine inside the elevator. Go there one one hour before sunset and get an astounding view..

iwish icould visit paris one time

اتمنى انو الموضوع يجبك
كنوز المحبة
كنوز المحبة
جزاج الله خير
والله يوفقج