ساعدوني في تعبير عن الصديق ... التسليم بعد يومين

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم

تكفون بنات الحقوووووووووني بتعبير انجليزي عن الصديق

بنسخه واطبعه واسلمه بعد يومين

انا كتبت تعبير بس الافعال والقواعد خطأ مو مركبين ع الجمل .. وانا توي مستوى ثاني :44:

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

friends are treasures. To have a friend is something joy able. I really appreciate having friendship with people, that's why when I find a keep in touch with my friends even since elementary school.
friends are treasures. To have a friend is something joy able. I really appreciate having friendship with people, that's why when I find a keep in touch with my friends even since elementary school.
friends are treasures. To have a friend is something joy able. I really appreciate having...
When you seek help you immediately ask a friend of you. Also, when you have a free time, you like to spend it with a friend.
ورود نرجسيه
ورود نرجسيه
When you seek help you immediately ask a friend of you. Also, when you have a free time, you like to spend it with a friend.
When you seek help you immediately ask a friend of you. Also, when you have a free time, you like...
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