
Ranah!! @ranah_1

عضوة جديدة

ساعدوني في حل واجب السيمانتكس عليه 10 درجات

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم

المس عطتنا واجب في مادة السيمانتكس وانا كنت غايبه وماني عارفه احل الواجب ياليت تساعدوني عليه 10 درجات :(

Indicate whether each of the following sentence pairs expresses the same or different propositions.
.Mary read the book / The book was read by Mary
.Fred took back the book / Fred took the book back
.The cat chased the rat / The cat was chased by the rat
.The chef cooked the meal / The chef had the meal cooked
.Hondas are easy to fix / It’s easy to fix Hondas

. In each of the following, indicate whether a proposition is asserted or not, and explain why

a. Ali left yesterday
b. Did Ali leave yesterday?
c. Can Ali leave this afternoon?
d. Ali, get out of here.
e. Ali!

. Decide whether each pair of sentences below has the same or different propositional content. If they have the same propositional content, identify the proposition that they both share.

a. Can Ali have some cake?
b. Take out the garbage
c. Can you pass the salt


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