سكرروز @skrroz
عضوة جديدة
ساعدوني يابنات جزاكم الله خير
ساعدوني يابنات جزاكم الله خير ابغى افكار لموضوع طلبتوا الاستاذة في الجامعه هوا essay ابغى خلال دي اليومين الموضوع عن Is it true that they are no ugly things بمعنى نظرتك للحياة هل هيا جميله ام لا بليز ساعدوني الله يوفقكم :icon33:
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مافي رد الله يوفقكم ساعدوني

السلام عليكم اختي ... رح اكتبلك شوية افكار ان شاء الله انها تفيدك...
Everyone of us has his own point of view of life...
regardless under which conditions he is living..
for example some people are living a rough hard life and they are suffering from peverty and their tough conditions so their problems are blinding their eyes from seeing beautiful things around them for they are busy with their own problems and miseries.
Other people are under the same conditions and poor as well but they are happy and enjoying life because they are managing their problems trying hard to improve their lives and mainly because they are satisfied .
On the other hand some people are living a blessed luxurious life and they have everything they could ever wish for and they are happy and satisfied because they appreciate ALLAH's blessing on them so they are thankful and gratefull.
And some people who live under tha same conditions and they are living the life of comfort and ease as they seem to be but not happy nor satisfied...
they may be suffering and depressed from personal or general reasons or because they are not satisfied and ungrateful.
So we conclude that life can be beautiful and can be ugly as well but that depends on the person himself and what he is experiencing and whether he is an optimistic person or a pessimistic one regardless the matter of money and the material stuff because money may help bring happiness and beauty but it is never the main reason of its existence.
اتمنى اكون افدتك بافكاري...
موفقة ان شاء الله
Everyone of us has his own point of view of life...
regardless under which conditions he is living..
for example some people are living a rough hard life and they are suffering from peverty and their tough conditions so their problems are blinding their eyes from seeing beautiful things around them for they are busy with their own problems and miseries.
Other people are under the same conditions and poor as well but they are happy and enjoying life because they are managing their problems trying hard to improve their lives and mainly because they are satisfied .
On the other hand some people are living a blessed luxurious life and they have everything they could ever wish for and they are happy and satisfied because they appreciate ALLAH's blessing on them so they are thankful and gratefull.
And some people who live under tha same conditions and they are living the life of comfort and ease as they seem to be but not happy nor satisfied...
they may be suffering and depressed from personal or general reasons or because they are not satisfied and ungrateful.
So we conclude that life can be beautiful and can be ugly as well but that depends on the person himself and what he is experiencing and whether he is an optimistic person or a pessimistic one regardless the matter of money and the material stuff because money may help bring happiness and beauty but it is never the main reason of its existence.
اتمنى اكون افدتك بافكاري...
موفقة ان شاء الله

الصفحة الأخيرة