السلام عليكم
شنطة حلوة وتفرح البنات الصغار
طريقة العمل ,, واذا احد حب يترجمها للبنات يتفضل انا مابعرف :35:
Terms used:
Ch = chain
FO = finish off
FLO = front loops only
BLO = back loops only
Sc = single crochet
Sc-dec = single crochet decrease, done over 2 stitches
Hdc = half double crochet
Slp st = slip stitch
Body is done in one continuous spiral, unless otherwise noted.
Starting at front of body.. (mark this end for front)
Ch 2
1) 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
2) 2 sc in each sc around
3) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc) repeat around (18 sc)
4) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (24 sc)
5) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around (30 sc)
6) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc) repeat around (36 sc)
7) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 5 sc) repeat around (42 sc)
8-13) sc in each sc around
Slp st in the next sc
Ch 1, turn. (This is making the opening of the purse)
14) In BLO, sc in each sc around, leaving slp st unworked. Ch 1, turn. (41 sc)
15-30) sc in each sc around. Ch 1, turn.
31) Sc in each sc around. DO NOT TURN.
Your next sc will be in 1 sc of row 31. Going back to crocheting in a around.
32) In FLO, sc in each sc around
33-34) sc in each sc around
35) (Sc-dec, sc in next 5 sc) repeat around. (36 sc)
36) (Sc-dec, sc in next 4 sc) repeat around. (30 sc)
37) (Sc-dec, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around. (24 sc)
38) (Sc-dec, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around. (18 sc)
39) (Sc-dec, sc in next sc) repeat around. (12 sc)
40) Sc-dec around. (6 sc)
Slp st to next sc.
FO leaving long tail. Use tail to sew hole shut.
Inside circles. (make 2)
(you will stuff ends of horse, and use these 2 circles to keep the stuffing inside)
Follow 1-7 of body…do not finish off just yet.
Turn the body of the horse inside out. Line up the circles with the BLO of line 14, and FLO line 32. If the circle fits well here, slp st in next sc of circle, and FO, leaving long tail.
If the circle seems too small, continue on:
8) 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 6 sc) repeat around (48 sc)
Slp st to next sc. FO, leaving long tail for sewing.
Turning purse inside out,
Sew inside circles to FLO row (row 32) and BLO row (row 14), making sure to stuff semi firmly behind the circles. (too much stuffing will cause the circles to bow out, not enough, and the horses head will not stay up)
Carefully turn purse right side out
With main color,
Ch 20, leaving a long beginning tail for sewing.
Join with slp st to first chain made, making sure not to twist chain.
At each round end, join with slp st to first sc made.
1) Ch 1, sc in each ch around. (20 sc)
2) Ch 1, sc in each sc around
3) Ch 1, (2 sc in first sc, sc on next 9 sc) repeat once more. (22 sc)
4) Ch 1, sc in each sc around
5) Ch 1, (2 sc in first sc, sc on next 10 sc) repeat once more. (22 sc)
6) Ch 1, sc in each sc around
FO leaving long tail.
Horse head
Starting at horses nose, and working back.
Working in a continuous spiral.
Ch 2
1) 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2) 2 sc in each sc around (10 sc)
3) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc) repeat around (15 sc)
4) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
5-7) sc in each sc around
8) (sc-dec, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (15 sc)
9) sc in each sc around
10) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
11) sc in each sc around
12) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around (25 sc)
13) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc) repeat around (30 sc)
14) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 5 sc) repeat around (35 sc)
15-16) sc in each sc around
17) (sc-dec, sc in next 5 sc) repeat around (30 sc)
18) (sc-dec, sc in next 4 sc) repeat around (25 sc)
19) (sc-dec, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
20) (sc-dec, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (15 sc)
21) (sc-dec, sc in next sc) repeat around (10 sc)
Stuff a bit more
22) sc-dec around (5 sc)
FO. Use tail to close hole.
Ears (make 2)
Worked in a continuous spiral
Ch 2
1) 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2-3) ch in each sc around
4) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat (8 sc)
Slp st to next sc
FO leaving long tail
Arms & Legs (make 4)
Worked in a continuous spiral
Starting with hoof color
Ch 2
1) 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2) 2 sc in each sc around (10 sc)
3) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc) repeat around (15 sc)
4) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
5) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around (25 sc)
6-8) sc in each sc around
9) (sc-dec, sc in next 3 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
10) (sc-dec, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (15 sc)
Change to leg color
11-17) sc in each sc around
18) (sc-dec, sc in next sc) repeat around (10 sc)
FO leaving long tail
Sew ears to horses head
Sew neck to front of horse.
Stuff neck slightly
Sew horses head to top of neck, adding in more stuffing to neck
Sew legs to bottom of purse body'
Instruction on how to do mane
Cut several strands of yarn about 6-7 inches long.
You will use 2 strands of yarn at a time.
Insert hook into head from behind a sc, with the hook coming our in front of selected sc.
Grab middle of yarn strands with hook and pull through stitch, ( Like you would latch
hook!) making a small loop.
Pull all free ends of yarn strand through loop, pulling tight to mane.
It is easiest if you start at top of horse head, and work your way down the back.
Instructions for tail
Cut many strands of yarn into 12 inch or so pieces. (Each yarn strand will act as 2 strands of the tail)
When you are happy with the thickness, Cut one longer piece of yarn of the same color.
Tie tail strands together, in the middle of your yarn pieces. Tie 1-2 more knots tightly, so the tail wont come out.
Taking long yarn strand, tie onto horses rump. If you would like the tail to stand up a bit, wrap around around the tail at the base, right by the rump.
Saddle (make 2)
Saddle in worked in halves. One half will be sewn to each side of purse opening
Do not join round ends
Ch 2
1) 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook Ch 1, turn.
2) 2 sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
3) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc) repeat across. Ch 1, turn. (12 sc)
4) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat across. Ch 1, turn. (16 sc)
5) sc in each sc across
6) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc) repeat across. Ch 1, turn. (20 sc)
7) (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc) repeat across. Ch 1, turn. (24 sc)
DO NOT FO, instead, ch 1, sc evenly across top edge of half circle.
FO leaving long tail
Sew saddle to each side of purse, using pictures as a guide
Purse straps (make 2)
Ch 46, leaving long beginning tail
1) Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across. Ch 1 turn. (45 hdc)
2) Hdc in each hdc across.
FO leaving long tail
Sew handles to purse. I sewed them on, one on each side of purse opening.
Sew or embroider on horse eyes.
Sew or glue on any embellishments to horses saddle, rump, etc.
ليمونة حلوة حامضة @lymon_hlo_hamd
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