What You Need:
Wire cutters
18-gauge wire in desired color
Needle-nose pliers
Glass beads
Small dowel
36-gauge metallic wire, optional
1. Cut a 24-inch length of 18-gauge wire. Using pliers bend over one end of wire for the bottom of the bookmark.
2. Thread desired bead(s) on straight end of wire and slide them to the bottom. Shape the wire as desired.
3. For the top of the bookmark, make a bend in the wire or wrap it around a small dowel where you want the top beads
to be held. Place beads on the wire. Shape the end of the wire into a spiral to hold the beads in place. If desired, make a wire spiral from a short length of wire and attach to the top of the bookmark by forming a loop in the end of the bookmark wire.
4. If desired tightly wrap small sections of the beaded bookmark with metallic wire.
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