شوية افكار بالخرز .. مع الصور اكيد

الفن والأشغال اليدوية

الفكرة الاولى ..

What You Need:

Wire cutters
18-gauge wire in desired color
Needle-nose pliers
Glass beads
Small dowel
36-gauge metallic wire, optional

1. Cut a 24-inch length of 18-gauge wire. Using pliers bend over one end of wire for the bottom of the bookmark.

2. Thread desired bead(s) on straight end of wire and slide them to the bottom. Shape the wire as desired.

3. For the top of the bookmark, make a bend in the wire or wrap it around a small dowel where you want the top beads
to be held. Place beads on the wire. Shape the end of the wire into a spiral to hold the beads in place. If desired, make a wire spiral from a short length of wire and attach to the top of the bookmark by forming a loop in the end of the bookmark wire.

4. If desired tightly wrap small sections of the beaded bookmark with metallic wire.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم

فكره حلوه ..
تسلمي يامروه
ميرة بنتي
ميرة بنتي
الفكرة الثانية ..

What You Need:

Spool of .010-inch-diameter micro stainless-steel nylon-coated wire
Glass seed beads
8 medium-size ceramic beads
6 flat glass beads
12-inch length of 28-gauge wire
1--flat disk-shape bead
1--large ceramic bead
2--1/4-inch diameter round ceramic beads

1. Cut twelve 11-inch lengths of nylon-coated wire. To begin each strand, slip one seed bead on the end of the wire and knot wire around the bead to secure the end.

2. String 8 inches of seed beads on each wire. Knot the wire around the last seed bead and cut off the excess wire.

3. Cut four 11-inch strands of wire. Begin with a seed bead, thread on a medium ceramic bead, and continue with seed beads; end with another ceramic bead and seed bead. Knot off the end. These strands should measure 9 inches.

4. Cut three 10-inch lengths of wire. Begin and end these strands with a flat glass bead and seed bead. Make these strands 6 inches.

5. Stack the 19 strands of beads together. Fold the piece of 28-gauge wire in half and slip around the center of all the strands of beads. Twist the wire together and push through the disk-shape bead, large ceramic bead, and one of the 1/4-inch round beads.

6. For the loop string seed beads on each of the wire ends, stopping 1 inch from the ends. Bring the two wire ends together and slip them through the remaining 1/4-inch bead. Slip one of the wire ends around and back up through the bead. Finish off by twisting the wire ends together and flatten them against the top of the bead. Cut off the excess wire.
ميرة بنتي
ميرة بنتي
العفو عيوني رسال

هذا شي اقل من الواجب اتجاه المنتدى وعضواته

مشكورة عيوني
ميرة بنتي
ميرة بنتي
الفكرة الثالثة ..

What You Need:

3/4-inch-circumference wire hoops
Round-nose pliers
Assorted glass beads
1-1/2-inch golden headpins
Wire cutters
Large wire hoop

1. To make a dozen wineglass charms, choose 12 wire hoops. Bend the straight end of each wire hoop into a hook using the round-nose pliers.

2. Select beads for each charm and begin threading beads on headpins. Trim wire down with wire cutters to 3/8 inch. Bend the end of the headpin into a loop using the round-nose pliers. Slip each beaded headpin onto a small wire hoop.

3. When finished thread all beaded charms onto one large wire hoop and bend the straight end of the large wire hoop into a hook using the round-nose pliers.
ميرة بنتي
ميرة بنتي
الفكرة الرابعة ..

What You Need:

60 inches of cream silk beading cord; needle
48--dark red bicone glass beads
20--6 mm orange miracle beads
48--dark golden bicone glass beads
30-40 seed beads
3--4 mm golden bugle beads
24--6 mm golden miracle beads
12-inch square pillow; yellow sewing thread
3--3 mm crimp beads; glue, such as E6000
9--12 decorative beads in orange and red

1. Using silk beading cord bead as follows:
1--red bicone bead
1--orange miracle bead
1--golden bicone bead
2--seed beads
1--red bicone bead
1--golden miracle bead
1--golden bicone bead
3--seed beads
Repeat pattern until 44 inches long.

2. Sew beads to the top lip of the pillow, starting with a red bicone bead in the corner. Using yellow sewing thread attach the string to all pillow sides, tacking every inch.

3. For tassel, cut a 4-inch piece of cord. Crimp a bead on the end. Bead as follows:
1--golden bugle bead
1--orange miracle bead
1--large orange decorative bead
1--clear red bead
1--large golden bicone bead
1--large red bicone bead

4. Cut a 6-inch piece of thread. Crimp the bottom. Bead as follows:
1--golden bugle bead
1--large orange bead
1--oblong clear red bead
1--orange miracle bead
1--large golden bicone
1--orange miracle bead
1--red bicone bead

5. Repeat with a 4-inch piece of thread. Bead as follows:
1 medium clear red glass bead
1 large orange decorative bead
1 large clear red bead
1 large golden bicone bead

6. Knot each tassel to a corner of the pillow. Use a dab of glue to attach other beads to the top of the tassel as desired.