

Finishing Materials:
Margarine container measuring:
2 3/4" in dia. at bottom x 3 5/8" in dia. at top
x 2 1/2" T
Hole punch
Tapestry needle
Finished Size: 3" T x 3" in dia (at base)
Gauge: 2 rnds sc = 1/2"/4 rows pat rep = 1"
Preparing margarine cup:
Punch 32 holes evenly spaced around the top of your margarine cup, just under the "lip". Start by punching holes on opposite sides of one another, then on opposite sides between the first 2. Continue punching holes centered between corresponding holes until you have 32. Cut a piece of batting measuring 1 1/2" W x 10" L. Glue batting to margarine container aligning one long edge with bottom of container. Allow to dry before beginning next round.
Pot Bottom:
Rnd 1) Ch 2; 8 sc in 2nd chain from hook; join with a slip st in first sc: 8 sc.
Rnd 2) Ch 1, 2 sc in joining; * 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 16 sc.
Rnd 3) Ch 1, sc in joining; 2 sc in next sc; * sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 24 sc.
Rnd 4) Ch 1, sc in joining; sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; * sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 32 sc.
Rnd 5) Ch 1, sc in joining; sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc; * sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in back loop of first sc: 40 sc. Do not end off.
Pot Sides:
Rnd 6) (Working in back loops only); Ch 1, sc in joining; * sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 40 sc.
Rnd 7) (Working in both loops); Ch 1, sc in joining, ch 1, skip next sc; * sc in next sc, ch 1, skip next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st to first sc: 20 sc.
Rnd 8) Ch 1, sc in joining, Lsc in next sc 2 rounds below; * sc in next sc, Lsc in next sc 2 rounds below; repeat from * around; join with a sl st in first sc: 40 sts. Long SC or Lsc: Insert hook in stitch indicated by patttern instructions, 2 rounds below, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw through both loops on hook to complete the stitch.
Rnd 9) Sl st in next st; Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, skip next st; * sc in next st, ch 1, skip next st; repeat from * around; join with a sl st to first sc: 20 sc.
Rnds 10-12 Repeat rounds 8 & 9 ending with round 8.
Rnd 13) Ch 1, sc joining; sc in next 2 sts, decrease over next 2 sts * sc in next 3 sts dec over next 2 st; repeat from * around; join with a sl st in first sc: 32 sc. Prepare margarine cup before beginning next round if you haven't already done so.
Rnd 14) Pull crocheted pot over prepared margarine cup; Ch 1, sc in joining and through the hole in margarine cup; * sc in next sc and through next hole in margarine cup; repeat from * around; join with a sl st in first sc: 32 sc. Crocheting around margarine cup: Insert hook in next st and through the hole in margarine cup, pull up a loop, yo, draw through both loops on hook to complete the st.
Rnd 15) Ch 1, 2 sc in joining; * 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a sl st in first sc: 64 sc.
Rnd 16 Ch 1, sc in joining, sc in next sc, ch 10, sl st around Lsc post in round 10, ch 1, turn work, sl st in each chain, sl st in same st on round 16, sc decrease over next 2 sc, (sc in next 2 sc, decrease over next 2 sc) 7 times, sc in next 2 sc, ch 10, sl st over Lsc in Round 10, ch 1, turn work, sl st in each chain, sl st in same sc on round 16, sc decrease over next 2 sc, (sc in next 2 sc, sc decrease over next 2 sc) 7 times; join with a sl st in first sc: 48 sts. Sc decrease: (Insert hook in next st, pull up a loop) twice, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook to complete the st.


معلش يا جماعة الحاجات دى عندى على الجهاز وفيه منه مترجم وفيه غير مترجم وفيه اللى مترجم شوية منه بس سوف أكمل الترجمة أن شاء الله واللى عايز يساعد فى الترجمة هلا بيه
ميرسى لمرورك أختى العزيزة
أم أحلى بنوتة
أم أحلى بنوتة
بسم الله
تسلم ايدك دهوب
بس بصراحة حبيبتي بعضالصور مش باينة خاصة المترجمين مش عالرفة يمكن الجهازبيعاندني
يمكن يا أم أحلى بنوته