ابي احد يترجم لي البرقراف وش رايكم فيه لان ابي ارسل للاستاذه قبل ماينتهي الوقت
Twitter is one of the most useful applications for anyone running a business, so I'm disheartened to see some dismissing it as a waste of time or source of spam - while it's true there are some people there tweeting irrwlevant comments, these are easily filtered out, and with the correct use of search.twitter.com, it's a fairly straightforward process to uncover new leads and potential customers. As an exampple, Econsultancy deal in digital marketing reports and training. In order to uncover useful contacts on Twitter, I've set up several searches which I monitor through netvibes (a free rss application). My searches include key words such as 'social media' and qualifiers like 'help', and 'can anyone suggest'. I then filter out any links to remove spam/ads. By searching this way I have a constantly updating stream of requests for help with social media. I offer help there and recommend our reports if required. In this way we are offering extra value, engaging in a relevant way and promoting the company reputation as a source of information. The only disadvantages I can think of come from mis-management. it's important to understand the medium you are dealing with to ensure you don't tweet anything that is off message or represents the company in a bad light. A good social media policy can help here (as well as a good dose of common sense!). You should decide who you want to reeach on witter and what you can offer them. In addition, don't be tempted to sell or simply tweet product advertisements (this IS spam). Instead set up listening searches, consider the requests and problems you find, and respond in an open and helpful way. Above all -Twitter is NOT a one-way stream -it is absolutely founded on carrying out conversations, and ****ing with customers over an extended period of time. as such it's a great tool for lead-nurturing whatever your business, and to assume otherwise represents a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the platform. I've added a couple of links that deal with the subject in more detail, as well as one to a presentation showing exactly how we've monetised Twitter at econsultancy - I hope you find them useful, happy Tweeting!
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