
SabRina_WiTcH @sabrina_witch

محررة برونزية

صححوا لي الاخطاء بليز

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم بنات

الله يخليكم ابيكم تصلحون لي القواعد اذا فيه اخطاء

1. In 2003, I was in English Grammar Course. My teacher, who was British, was giving us some exercises. While she was checking my answers, she looked at me and said; "….., you get the wrong end of the stick." I thought that she was commenting on my way in holding my pen. But, later I knew, she meant that I misunderstood the lesson.
2. We have a new Indonesian servant. One day, she came and said; "abakaber". I thought she wanted something, but after we asked another Indonesian servant, we realized that "abakaber" meant " how are you ?"
3. One year, we traveled to Germany. Every morning, the garcon, who is working there, says " Good Morgin." At first we thought that he mispronounce the word, but later, we discovered that Germans people say " good morgin" instead of " good morning."

وجزاكم الله خير

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

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1. In 2003, I was in English Grammar Course. My teacher, who was British, gave us some exercises. While she was checking my answers, she looked at me and said: "you got the wrong end of the stick". I thought that she was commenting on my way of holding my pen. Later, I knew she meant that I misunderstood the lesson.
2. We have a new Indonesian servant. One day, she came and said: "abakaber". I thought she wanted something, but after we asked another Indonesian servant, we realized that "abakaber" means "how are you?"
3. One year, we traveled to Germany. Every morning, the garcon, who was working there, said "Good Morgin." At first we thought that he mispronounced the word, but later, we discovered that Germans say "good Morgin" instead of "good morning."
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