السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
اخواتي الله يعافيكم الي عندها تعبير عن الشيخ ابن باز بالغه الانجليزيه ابيه الحين ضروري
والله من اليوم افتر بالنت مالقيت ليتكم تساعدوني انا الساعه 6 اونصف بروح للمدرسه ارجوكم ساعدوني
الله يعطيها العافيه الي بتساعدني دنيا واخره

خوخه الشرقية @khokhh_alshrky
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الصفحة الأخيرة
The study began in childhood, and kept the Koran before puberty, then started to receive forensic science and Arabic at the hands of many of the scientists of their flags Riyadh:
1 - Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Latif Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab, the son of God's mercy.
2 - Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz bin Abdul Rahman bin Hassan bin Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahab. Riyadh judge mercy of God.
3 - Sheikh Saad Bin Hamad Bin Atiq (Riyadh judge) may God have mercy on him.
4 - Sheikh Hamad bin Faris (Deputy Finance House, Riyadh) Allah's mercy.
5 - Sheikh Saad Waqas al-Bukhaari (scientists Mecca) Allah's mercy has been informed by the Quran in 1355 e.
6 - Grand Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Bin Abdul Latif Al-Sheikh may God have mercy on him has been accompanied link the order of ten years and received by all forensic science starting in 1347 e. E to the year 1357, where nominated for the elimination of the discourse.
May God reward all the best box, and all well done and Ngmayorm mercy and His pleasure.
I took up several of the acts are:
1 - Al-Kharj in the elimination of long-term four-year and ten months and the spread between the years 1357 e. E to 1371 .. The appointment of Jamadal Akher 1357 e. And remained to the end of 1371 e.
2 - Staff in the Scientific Institute in Riyadh in 1372 e. Riyadh College of Sharia and the establishment of e year 1373. Science in Jurisprudence, standardization and continued talking to my nine years ended in 1380 e.
3 - appointed in 1381 e. Vice-President of the Islamic University in Madinah, and remained in that position in 1390 to the e.
4 - I assumed the presidency of the Islamic University in the year 1390 e. After the death of its Chairman Shaykh Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh Allah's mercy in Ramadan 1389 e. And remained in that post until 1395 e.
5 - In the 10-14-1395 e. Royal Order was issued appointing me to the post of director-general of the departments of scientific research and advisory, advocacy, counseling, and remained in that post until 1414 e.
6 - In the 1-20-1414 e. Royal Order was issued appointing me to the post of Mufti of the kingdom's top cleric and head of the Department of scientific research and advisory, and I still to this time in this work. I ask God's help and success.
Lee along with this work at the present time the membership of councils in many of the scientific and Islamic that:
1 - the chairmanship of the senior scholars in Saudi Arabia.
2 - the presidency of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and the advisory body in question.
3 - the membership of the Constituent Assembly and the Presidency of the Association of the Islamic world.
4 - Presidium of the Supreme Council of the World mosques.
5 - the presidency of the complex doctrinal Islamic Mecca of the Association of the Islamic world.
6 - Membership of the Supreme Council for the Islamic University in Medina.
7 - the membership of the supreme body of the invitation of the Islamic kingdom.
The Mwlfaty include:
1 - the obvious interest in the FBI case
2 - investigation and clarification of many of the issues of the Hajj and Umrah and visit (to clarify the ritual).
3 - warning of innovation, which includes four articles useful (the observance of the rule of the Prophet's birth, the night of ascension of the Prophet Mohammed, and the night half of Sha'baan, and refute the alleged vision of the Custodian of the Prophet's room, called Sheikh Ahmed).
4 - Identical summarized in fasting and alms.
5 - the right of belief and Idadha.
6 - The work must be the Year of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him and from Kfar denied.
7 - the call to God and morality advocates.
8 - and arbitration should be the law of God and renounce inconsistent.
9 - and the rule of the hijab and adornments Alchgar marriage.
10 - criticism of Arab nationalism.
11 - the answer in a useful imaging.
12 - Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab (and his call).
13 - three letters in the prayer: (1 - how to pray God's blessings and peace be upon him, 2 - and must pray in a group, 3 - Where to place one's hands while lifting the knees?).
14 - those who challenge the rule of Islam in the Quran or the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon him.
15 - a useful footnote to the opening of Bari reached the pilgrimage to the book.
16 - Letter Alnkulaip evidence and sensory flow to the sun and the silence of the land and the possibility of getting to the planets.
17 - the establishment of the rule of evidence on appeal without the truth of God or the priests and fortune tellers.
18 - Jihad for the sake of God.
19 - important lessons for the general nation.
20 - opinions relating to the provisions of the Hajj and Umrah and visit.
21 - should be unnecessary for the year of innovation and caution.