ضرووري دلوعة زوج او غيرها اللي تقدر اتساعدني في هالجمل..

اللغة الأنجليزية

my new flat is near the station**

my new flat is not ----------------------------the station

the flat is bigger than my old one **

the flat is not ______________my old one

I moved into this flat two weeks ago **

I_________in this for two weeks

the flat has tow bed rooms**

there _______two bedrooms in the flat

from my window ,ihave a lovely view **

from my window , the view ________lovely

from this flat , my jurney to work is very short **
I get to work very ________fro this flat

A friend took cristina's photo by the funtain**

Crisitina ________by the fountion

my perents paid a builder to build a garage for them**

my perents_________________________________

In england , supermarkets delivr the shopping to some people**

in england , some people __________________________________

when i am rich , i will employ a chef to cook all my meals**

when i am rich , i_____________________________

our car was making a strange noise but the mechanic repaired it last week

we ----------------------------------------------------------last week

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بنت بلاديييي
بنت بلاديييي
:icon33: :( :icon33:
بلييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز ردوا..
بنت بلاديييي
بنت بلاديييي
الف الف شكر لج..