ضرووووري..بنــات عنـــدي امتحــــان بكرة ممكـــن تساعدونـــي ..

اللغة الأنجليزية

عندي رايتنج وابيكم تساعدوني فيه الله ايخيكم ضروري

you have read an intresting book recently and you want your friend

to read it too . write a letter telling him/her about the book

no, follow these tasks so you can write a well-organized review of

the story......

---title of the story
---brief summary of the story
---convince her/him to read the story too...

الله ايخليييييييكم لا تطنشوني...

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

قصة الورود
قصة الورود
الله يوفقك ويسهل عليك:)

وان شاء الله اذا حصلت شي يفيدك راح اكتبه

وانشاء الله البنات مايقصرون
language teacher
language teacher
Dear bint bladee,
I hope your are fine I wrote this letter to tell you about an interesting book
Talking about raising Pets indoor .I bought it for my kids this summer it's a coloring book about taking care of Rabbits called "My Rabbit"
By reading the book your child will learn about the things his Rabbit will need at home, how to hold it, how to feed it .how to clean it and how to play with it .
With the beautiful pictures that the book have your child will love it and it will be a useful guide for your child in the future for taking care of animals.
So I advise you to go and buy it as soon as possible .
Your friend