Commodity (n) A reasonably homogeneous good or material, bought and sold freely as an article of commerce. Commodities include agricultural products, fuels, and metals and are traded in bulk on a commodity exchange or spot market.
Merchandising (n) Sales promotion as a comprehensive function including market research, development of new products, coordination of manufacture and marketing, and effective advertising and selling
Salary (n) A fixed amount of money earned by a person on a regular basis.
Wage (n) A payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily. Or piece**** basis – often used in plural wages.
Resource (n) A supply of raw materials, goods, services, or expertise available for use when needed.
Source (n) A place from which something can be gotten or received (e.g.; capital is borrowed from internal and external sources).
Microeconomics (n)
Study of the economic behavior of individual units of an economy (such as a person, household, firm, or industry) and not of the aggregate economy (which is the domain of macroeconomics). Microeconomics is primarily concerned with the factors that affect individual economic choices, the effect of changes in these factors on the individual decision makers, how their choices are coordinated by markets, and how prices and demand are determined in individual markets. The main subjects covered under microeconomics include theory of demand, theory of the firm, and demand for labor and other factors of production.
وهذي مالقيت تعريفهاا
ابي الله يعافيكم تجيبون لي الفرق بينهم كل كلمتين مع بعض ابغى الفرق بينهن .. ما ابغى تجيبون التعاريف لاااا ابغى الفرق
والله اللي بتساعني وتجيب الفرق لي لادعي لهاا من قلبي باول يوم في رمضان عند الفطور
وابغاهن قبل العصر لانه ماعندي طابعه ولازم اعطيهن ابوي حتى يصورهن لي
بنات عليهن بونس 5 درجات وانا والله محتاااااجتهن لاني ما اعرف انقلش ابداً وودي انجح فيها وارتاح منها علشان كذا اخذتها صيفي
وجزاكم الله خيييييييييير
اللي ماتعرف ترفع الموضوع على الاقل وهذي لهااا
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مرسى الأحلام
شوفي توقيعي يمكن فيه احد يساعدك هناك
الصفحة الأخيرة