السلام عليكم
كيفكم بنات
انا الحمد لله عندي باكالوريس انجليزي و دايم ارسل سيرتي الذاتيه لاي اعلان عمل
و الحمد لله اتصل بي معهد هنا في الشرقيه بحيث يكون عملي مدرسة لغه انجليزية
و طلبوا مني اشرح اي درس او اي قطعه لمدة عشر دقائق
وانا قلت ماعندي الا حبيباتي هنا في حواء راح يساعدوني ان شاء الله
ابي افكاركم و لو عندكم قطعه ممتازة اشرحها ياليت تزودونا بها ..
شكرا لكم..

ديمـ السحابـ @dym_alshab_1
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ديمـ السحابـ

Esenttial Needs
People need food , water and air which are all essential for survival . They can not live without food to eat and oxygen to breath.
Hundreds of years ago , it was easy to get food and housing . Population was low and there was little industry . There was enough good land , clean water and fresh air . However , in the eighteenth century , the Industrial Revolution began in England. The western world changed from an agricultural world to an industrial one .Many people moved from villages to cities in order to work . Industrial grew very quickly . Since 1850, both the population and industry have increased very rapidly . People need more land, more water and more resources daily . industry affects the environment . Some of the effects are harmful, such as pollution .
A-Questions :
1- Why did many people move from villages to cities ?
2- Where did the industrial Revolution begin ?
3-What do people need in order to stay a live ?
B- Choose the right answer :
1-Industry has increased since …………………
a- the beginning of the 20th century .
b- the end of the 19th century .
c- the middle of the 19th century.
2-As a result of the change from an agriculture world to an industrial one …………..
a- population decreased in cities .
b- population increased in cities .
c- many people moved from cities to villages .
3- Essential means ( important – unimportant – useless ).
4- Rapidly means ( slowly - quickly – gradually ).
People need food , water and air which are all essential for survival . They can not live without food to eat and oxygen to breath.
Hundreds of years ago , it was easy to get food and housing . Population was low and there was little industry . There was enough good land , clean water and fresh air . However , in the eighteenth century , the Industrial Revolution began in England. The western world changed from an agricultural world to an industrial one .Many people moved from villages to cities in order to work . Industrial grew very quickly . Since 1850, both the population and industry have increased very rapidly . People need more land, more water and more resources daily . industry affects the environment . Some of the effects are harmful, such as pollution .
A-Questions :
1- Why did many people move from villages to cities ?
2- Where did the industrial Revolution begin ?
3-What do people need in order to stay a live ?
B- Choose the right answer :
1-Industry has increased since …………………
a- the beginning of the 20th century .
b- the end of the 19th century .
c- the middle of the 19th century.
2-As a result of the change from an agriculture world to an industrial one …………..
a- population decreased in cities .
b- population increased in cities .
c- many people moved from cities to villages .
3- Essential means ( important – unimportant – useless ).
4- Rapidly means ( slowly - quickly – gradually ).

Chocolate, one of the most popular foods in the world, has a history as rich as its flavor. Chocolate comes from the beans of the cacao tree, a plant that has grown in the Americas for at least 4,000 years. As long ago as the twelfth century, Indian families drank chocolate at marriages and other ceremonies. However, chocolate was not known in Europe until 1528, when the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés brought it to Spain.
Drinking chocolate soon became popular in Spain and quickly spread to the rest of Europe. Three hundred years later, a scientist in Holland learned how to make chocolate into candy. As the years passed, people in countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, and England began to make many kinds of chocolate candy. Today the making of chocolate is a multi-billion dollar industry.
There are many reasons why chocolate is so popular. People like its rich, delicious flavor. Some people think that chocolate is even better when combined with other ingredients, such as fruit and nuts. Also, candy makers can make chocolate into decorative shapes, from flowers and hearts to animals, and even to huge statues that weigh as much as 220 pounds (100 kg).
In addition, eating chocolate has helpful physical effects. The sugar and fat in chocolate give people quick energy. This is why mountain climbers often carry chocolate with them. For this same reason, people like to have a candy bar when they're feeling tired.
Eating chocolate has mental effects, too. Many people crave chocolate in times of stress or emotional upset. Some psychologists explain that people associate chocolate with the happy times of their childhoods. The taste of chocolate reminds them of the food and comfort they received from their mothers. However, physical scientists have developed another explanation. They say that one ingredient of chocolate, phenylethylamine, seems to lower stress.
There is no doubt that chocolate, with its unique physical and psychological effects and its unmatched flavor, is one of the world's favorite foods.
الاسئله :
Which of the following would be an appropriate title for the reading text? (1 point)
a. Mental Effects of Eating Chocolate
b. Physical Effects of Eating Chocolate
c. Chocolate: A World Favourite
2. In your words, answer the following questions using complete sentences. (3 points)
a. Where did chocolate come from?
Chocolate came from the Americas.
b. Who brought chocolate to Europe?
The Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés brought it to Spain.
c. What effect does chocolate have on the human body?
It gives people quick energy and lowers stress.
3. Find the following pronouns in the article and write the word(s) each one refers to.
(4 points)
a. its (line 1) chocolate
b. that (line 2) the cacao tree / a plant
c. it (line 6) chocolate
d. its (line 12) chocolate
e. that (line 16) statues
f. them (line 19) mountain climbers
g. they (line 20) people
h. their (line 23) people
i. they (line 24) people
4. Use the context to determine the meanings of the words. Write short definitions
or give synonyms below. (5 points)
a. ceremonies (line 4)
Traditional actions used at important religious or social events.
b. industry (line 11)
c. flavor (line 13)
d. combined (line 13)
e. ingredients (line 14)
Things that are used to make something.
f. physical (line 17)
Having to do with the body.
g. energy (line 18)
h. mental (line 21)
Having to do with the mind.
i. crave (line 21)
Want, desire
j. remind (line 24)
Make someone remember something.
Drinking chocolate soon became popular in Spain and quickly spread to the rest of Europe. Three hundred years later, a scientist in Holland learned how to make chocolate into candy. As the years passed, people in countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, and England began to make many kinds of chocolate candy. Today the making of chocolate is a multi-billion dollar industry.
There are many reasons why chocolate is so popular. People like its rich, delicious flavor. Some people think that chocolate is even better when combined with other ingredients, such as fruit and nuts. Also, candy makers can make chocolate into decorative shapes, from flowers and hearts to animals, and even to huge statues that weigh as much as 220 pounds (100 kg).
In addition, eating chocolate has helpful physical effects. The sugar and fat in chocolate give people quick energy. This is why mountain climbers often carry chocolate with them. For this same reason, people like to have a candy bar when they're feeling tired.
Eating chocolate has mental effects, too. Many people crave chocolate in times of stress or emotional upset. Some psychologists explain that people associate chocolate with the happy times of their childhoods. The taste of chocolate reminds them of the food and comfort they received from their mothers. However, physical scientists have developed another explanation. They say that one ingredient of chocolate, phenylethylamine, seems to lower stress.
There is no doubt that chocolate, with its unique physical and psychological effects and its unmatched flavor, is one of the world's favorite foods.
الاسئله :
Which of the following would be an appropriate title for the reading text? (1 point)
a. Mental Effects of Eating Chocolate
b. Physical Effects of Eating Chocolate
c. Chocolate: A World Favourite
2. In your words, answer the following questions using complete sentences. (3 points)
a. Where did chocolate come from?
Chocolate came from the Americas.
b. Who brought chocolate to Europe?
The Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés brought it to Spain.
c. What effect does chocolate have on the human body?
It gives people quick energy and lowers stress.
3. Find the following pronouns in the article and write the word(s) each one refers to.
(4 points)
a. its (line 1) chocolate
b. that (line 2) the cacao tree / a plant
c. it (line 6) chocolate
d. its (line 12) chocolate
e. that (line 16) statues
f. them (line 19) mountain climbers
g. they (line 20) people
h. their (line 23) people
i. they (line 24) people
4. Use the context to determine the meanings of the words. Write short definitions
or give synonyms below. (5 points)
a. ceremonies (line 4)
Traditional actions used at important religious or social events.
b. industry (line 11)
c. flavor (line 13)
d. combined (line 13)
e. ingredients (line 14)
Things that are used to make something.
f. physical (line 17)
Having to do with the body.
g. energy (line 18)
h. mental (line 21)
Having to do with the mind.
i. crave (line 21)
Want, desire
j. remind (line 24)
Make someone remember something.

الصفحة الأخيرة