السلام عليكم
أخواتي عندي 4 مصطلحات وأبغى أعيد صياغتها بأسلوب ثاني
يا ليت اللي لغتها ممتازه تساعدني وجزاكم الله خير
Social: It include demographic changes in the age and structures of populations, patterns of work, gender roles, patterns of consumptions and ways in which culture of population or country changes and develops
Technological: It include information technology (IT) for business management and information and communications technology (ICT) which influence on business performance.
Economic: It include economic growth, interest rates, inflation, energy prices, exchange rates and levels of employment
political: It include legislations, trading relationships (such as: the World Trade Organization ‘WTO’ and the European Union ‘EU’), government, the level and nature of public services (e.g. health, education etc.), financial policy, levels of taxation and potential elections
ملاحظه: يا ليت اللي تقدر تساعدني ترسل لي الإجابات عالخاص منعا للطش

&طيف& @amptyfamp
كبيرة محررات
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الصفحة الأخيرة