
4m6!nan @4m6nan

عضوة جديدة

طلب :: موضوع في اللغه الأنجليزيه ....:(


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركــاته ,,

كيف حالكم ؟؟!

حبيباتي أنا عندي موضوع في اللغة الأنجليزيه ما يتعدا الثلاث أسطر ,, عن أي شئ ^__^

طبعــا أبغاه باللغة الأنجليزيه ويكون مترجم عربي

ياليت الي تعرف تفيددني قبل يوم السبت >__<"


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بناااااااات تكفوووووون بسرررررررعه >___<"
فارسة الوطن
فارسة الوطن
انتي قصدك تعبير ؟؟

الله يوفقك
عبيــــر الــــورد

Water is very important in our live .we cannot live without it. People, animals and plants would die if they do not have water .water is used for many things .It is used for drinking ,cleaning ,farming and industry .About three quarters of the world is covered by water .There are many sources of water .They are rainwater ,seawater ,underground water and river water .Seawater is not good for drinking .It is too salty .About 90% of all the fresh water in the world in the Antractica.Finally, we can say that water is as precious as gold
عبيــــر الــــورد
موضوع عن الاسلام باللغة الانجليزية

In our lives there are some things happening
& they are important
Some things make our lives movement
Ok. I will ask a question is there some things you cannot live with out it??
I want the answer after few minutes...


Since 1400 & the people found their. .Hearts...Brains actually
Their lives where??
So if we want to make our lives colored with a rainbow color
& take it to up up to the top..
You must has a good & a clean brain..
Do you have idea about it??
I will color my life with Islam .. because its make me .. wear
me a humanity , understanding, sincerity & devotion..


This Ayah talking about the Islamic" وانك لعلى خلق عظيم"
Prophet ... the humanity prophet
Mohammad peace is upon him... Who made this world anther world?
A world can understand the good meaning... with his massage
The Islam... this religion which change Human's
Life to the best...The best way... the best choice...
So I cannot live with out it ^_^ منقول
عبيــــر الــــورد
teach and cure me from the pains of the world .I always wish Mom to forgive me. For Mom I am trying to overcome my mistakes. Me and you should do this for her . The Prophet - Sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam - said, "the Pleasure of Allah is from the pleasure of the parents, and the anger of Allah is from the anger of the parents." So, we should always respect our our mother and do not forget your father .Both need high respect from us