طلــب (* المتمكنــات من اللغة الانجليزية *) =>> قصة قصيرة <<=

اللغة الأنجليزية

مــــرحبـــا ... :27:

بنــات انا معـي قصة قصــيرة باللغة الانجـليزية بس ابيكم تترجمونها لـي ترجمــة صحيحة
يعني اذا قدرتوا ولا كلمة غـلط ...
سـاعدوني بنات انا معتمدة عليكم ودي اخذ العلامة الكاملة .. :(
حاولوا تساعدوني اليــوم ..

شكــرا مقدمــاً :39:







monster live in a tall thin house in the city . he loves the
house . it is very , very fine .
He is got a bedroom , a bathroom , a closet , a living room , and
a kitchen . it is kind of nice for a monster . it is kind of comfortable .
monster loves the house . He is reading a book about monsters because
he is a monster himself so he should read a monster book . he think
he will clean the house so that if children want to visit him it will
look really fine . he cleans the bedroom so that if people come to
his home to sleep he won,t have to clean the house when they are
sleeping . he cleans the kitchen so that when people come and want
to cook for monster they can . the kitchen won,t be all messed up .
He cleans the bathub so that when people come in to take a bath they
won,t get dirty and when they put the water on , the water won,t get
dirty . He cleans the closet so that people can put their clothes inside
and the clothes won,t get dirty . monster thinks he is done enough
cleaning . he is kind of tired and sits down the house looks really fine .

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

يــالله يــابناات ..

ويـــــنكــم ..
معقولة مافيه احد يقدر يترجمها مع انها بسيطه مرررره ..
ايـــه ..
الله يعـــافيــــك اختي ..
مشكووورة اختي ..

وماقصــرتي ..