**روان** @roan_5
عااااااااااااااااااااااااااجل ضروري
الله يسعدكم ادخلو على موضوعي ابغى فزعتكم وساعدوني قبل الساعة 10 الله يسعدكم
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
1) Why do you study English?
I study English because:
First, it is the most spoken language in the world.
Second, It is used in so many places, like hospitals, schools, restaurants and companies.
Third, it helps me explain my Islamic religion to non – Muslim foreigners.
2) كيف تستخدمي Gasoline pump (الشي اللي بالمحطة يعبو منه بنزين)
How do you use the gasoline pump?
I turn off the car, and refill from the gasoline pump into the tank of the car. When the tank is full, I take the pump out, place it, and close the cover of the tank.
3)كيف تسوي القهوة العربية؟
How do you make Arabic coffee?
Put a cupful of coffee in the pitcher, and fill it with boiled water. boil them for two minutes. Then, put a half teaspoon of milled cinnamon along with a teaspoon of milled cardamom in a coffee pot. After that, pour the boiled coffee in the coffee pot, and mix with a spoon.
5) ايش الفرق بين لبسك بالايام العاديه وبالاسبشال دي (اتسألت نفس السؤال في ميجور ون) وطبعا خبصت فيه واستخدمت لغة الإشارة
what's the difference between your outfits in normal and special days?
My outfits in special days are expensive, grandiose and official. However, in normal days, the outfits are cheap, casual and practical.
6) اذا عجبتك اكله(طبخه) عند ناس رحتيلهم كيف تطلبي منها الوصفه؟
If you liked a food made by the people you have visited them, do you ask them for its recipe?
Yes, I acclaim them for their cooking style, then politely ask for its recipe.
7) اذا كنت بكلاس وبتروحي للحمام كيف تطلبي من الاستاذه اللي عندكم؟
If you where in a class and you want to go to the toilet, how can you ask the teacher?
I raise my hand to have the teacher's attention. Then say politely: "Can I go to the toilet, please."
8) تحبي تاكلي بره من المطعم؟وليش؟
Do you like eating in a restaurant? why?
Yes, I like eating in a restaurant because they have a various styles in cooking, and a place where I can practice speaking English language.
9)بالholiday ايش تسوي?
What do you do in holidays?
In holidays, I travel with my family to different countries. I subscribe in summer camps, gyms and take computer lessons in teaching centers.
/ تحبي تاكلي؟؟ ايش اكلتك المفضلة؟؟أوصفيها ؟؟
Do you like to eat? what's your favorite food? Describe it?
Yes, I like to eat food, such as pancakes. A pancake is a thin, flat batter cake made in a pan or on a griddle with oil or butter.
7/لو كنتِ تبغي تروحي المطار وما عندك أحد يوصلك كيف تطلبي من صحبتك
تديكِ سواقها؟؟
How can you ask your friend to give you her driver if you don't have any one to drive you to the airport?
I call her and explain my situation. Then, politely request her to borrow her driver if she can.
8/لو كنتِ مسافرة جدة وتبغي صحبتك تكتبلك عذر كيف تطلبي منها دا الشي ؟؟
If you were traveling to Jeddah, and you wanted your friend to write an apology letter, how can you ask her to do it?
I call her and give her a sensible reason for my traveling to Jeddah. Then, ask her to write an apology letter to send it.
9/اوصفي شكلك؟؟وانتي تشبهي مين؟؟
Describe your figure and you're similar to who??
I have a ( black curly hair – brown soft hair), (black – brown eyes), (white – dark – wheaten) skin, and (small – big lips). I am similar to Zenab Al Askari (زينب العسكري ) ; )
10/ايش هيا العادات اللي اكتسبتيها من اهلك؟؟
What are the habits that you have acquired from your family??
I acquired many good habits like kindness, hospitality, good sense of humor, making friends, smiling and the most important thing is the strong faith in God.
*ماريك بجوال الكامير وماهي مميزاته وعيوبه؟
What do you think of the Mobile Camera? What is its characteristics and defects??
the mobile camera is a useful technology. I can use it to photo, or record any beautiful memories. However, its defects are when weak people use it to abuse conservative families, or photo or record unpleasant views.
*من هو كاتبك المفضل وليه واي الكتاب؟
Who is your favorite writer? and why ? and what book do you like?
My favorite writer is Ayed Al Garni because he has a very excellent and beautiful style in telling stories about prophets peace be upon them. His great release was a book called "The Happiest Woman on Earth".
*لو كنتي تريدين ان تحكمي دوله ايش تحبين تحكمي وليه وايش راح تغيري فيها؟
If you want to rule a country, What do you prefer to rule and Why? and what changes are you going to make?
I want to rule the -----------------
ياعيوني احنا بندخل في السياسة والا ايش
In this country, I'm going to change deserts into forests, build houses for poor people, clear off bureaucracy, and clean the country from crime.
*مارأيك بقيادة المراة السعودي للسيارة؟وليش؟
What is your opinion on driving the car by the saudi women? And why?
I think driving the car by Saudi women will give them an opportunity to fulfill their needs without the man's help
*ايش الاشياء اللي تعجبك في الجامعة والاشياء اللي ماتعجيك وايش تبغين تغيرين فيها؟
What are the things you like and dislike in the university? and what changes do you want to make in it?
I like the -----
I dislike ---------
I want to change ---------
*لو ادتي تعلم شي معتاد واخر غير معتا ايش را تتعلمي وليه؟
(مافهمت صياغة هذا السؤال . صيغيه مضبوط عزيزتي)
*تكلمي عن الجنادرية في السعودية؟
Talk About Aljenaderia in Saudi Arabia?
Aljenaderiah is an annual populist festival where every city in Saudi Arabia introduce their habits and traditions in one place.
*لو كنت راح تتسلق جبل ايش راح تسوي؟
What would you do if you wanted to climb a mountain?
Before I climb a mountain, I buy a suitable climbing equipment, and take an emergency equipment. Beside that, I must take some company with me like family or friends, so that they will be around when help is needed.
*في إجازة الصيف وين راح تسافرين وليه وايش تبغين تشوفين في الدوله؟؟
Where are you going to travel in the summer holiday? and Why? and what do you want to see in the country??
I'm going to travel to Abha, because it is a beautiful city, and full of forests and cool weather.
I want to see the old villages, and the people they live there. Also, I want to see their traditions and habits.
*ايش افضل سوق عندكم في المدينة؟؟
What is the best mall in you city?
The best mall in this city is Hera'a Mall
*الناس في المدينة في نهاية الاسبوع وين يروحون وليه؟
Where do people go in the weekends? And Why?
I visit my relatives and friends. I go with my family to coffee shops, malls, restaurants and carnivals.
*ايش عادات الزواج عنكم في السعودية وليش المهور غالية؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
What are the marriage customs in Saudi Arabia? and why the dowries are high in value?
First, the man, who wants to marry, comes with his family and propose the girl's hand from her father. If she agreed, an engagement party is arranged, and a dower is given to the girl's family. Then after a period of time, a marriage party is set up, and the groom and the bride are married.
لماذ النا س تحتاج إلى الاجازة؟؟؟
Why do people need a vacation?
people need a vacation to relax.
*ايش تشوفي نفسك بعد خمس سنوات؟؟؟؟
How can you see yourself after five years?
I can see my self as a wife who is loved by her husband, and a very faithful woman in work and at home.
*لوطلب منك كلمة تواجهينها للعالم ايش راح تقولي؟؟
if you're been asked to address the world? what would you say?
My word is "Spread peace and live together happily"
*ليش انتقلت المدينة؟
Why did you move to the city?
I moved to the city because it provides lots of malls and restaurants and good work and people.
*من من اهللك سافر برة وليه؟
Who traveled abroad from your family ? and why
My (brother- sister – father – uncle ..etc) traveled abroad to study
*ايش اتاذتك الممفضلة وليه؟
who is your favourite teacher and why?
My teacher (اسم استاذتك) because she is a very wise and nice teacher.
تعرفي جحا قولي قصة له؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
Do you know Juha? Tell a story of his?
Yes, I know Juha.
There a story when A neighbor came to Juha and said, 'Lend me your donkey, for suddenly I find I have to go on a journey.' Juha, who did not wish to lend the man his donkey, replied, 'I would willingly lend it to you, but alas, I sold it yesterday'
"Just then, the donkey, which was in the stable, began to bray in a deafening manner. The neighbor jumped. 'But your donkey is in the stable,' he remonstrated.
"Juha replied angrily, 'You fool, would you take the word of an ass against mine?'"
3/قارني بين الأكل في المطعم والبيت؟؟
Compare between food at a restaurant and at home?
At home, the food is fresh, delicious, but unfortunately limited.
At a restaurant, the food is various in styles, perfect in taste, beautiful in color and design, and some are cheap and some are expensive.
6/ايش الفرق بين الجامعة والمدرسة ؟؟
What is the difference between a school and a university?
A school is a small institution, while a university is large.
A school has a limited amount of students, but a university has a huge amount of students.
A school has limited subjects and majors, whereas a university has many subjects and majors.
A school has few entertaining places, while a university has a plenty of entertaining places like clubs, theaters and competitions.
انا اسفة جدا جدا في بعض الاسئلة عجزت عن اجابته سامحيني لانه اولا عن الجامعة وانا ما اعرف كيف هي جامعة طيبة وايش فيها وايش مافيها
ثانيا جهاز النسخ ما اعرف استخدامه
ثالثا وصفة الرز البخاري ما اعرفله؟
وهذي هي الاسئلة
4/ايش رايك في الدراسة في جامعة طيبة؟؟
What do you think about the study in Taiba University?
5/ايش احسن شي في الجامعة واسوأ شي؟؟
What is the best and the worse thing in the university?
أعتذر منك مرة ثانية وهذا اللي قدرت عليه
الله يوفقك ويفرج امرك