
اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم يالغاليات
ممكن تساعدوني على فهم هاذي النقاط اللي تقدر تفهمني مالها الا دعوة في ظهر الغيب
ممكن تقولولي الفرق بينها ومتى استخدم كل وحدة
1-متى نستخدم ((used to- have to
2-وش الفرق بين very-too-either- enoughواستخداماتها
3-ايضا ماهو الفرق بين So-neither واستخداماتها
4-ايضا ماهو الفرق بين each-every-all
5-ايضا any- one-

6-ايضا other-another
7-ايضا let-help
8-ايضا get used to- be used to
9-ايضا have-make-get

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

1- used to
"used to" means a habit that happend for a certain period of time in the
past and doesn't exist or stopped later.

{ Used to + base form of a verb }

I used to skateboard at Al-Shaáb Park. (This means, I don't skateboard anymore, at present).

have to
We often use have to to say that something is obligatory, for example:

Children have to go to school.
Use of Have to
In general, have to expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of have to is obliged or forced to act by a separate, external power (for example, the Law or school rules). Have to is objective. Look at these examples:

In France, you have to drive on the right.
In England, most schoolchildren have to wear a uniform.
John has to wear a tie at work.
In each of the above cases, the obligation is not the subject's opinion or idea. The obligation is imposed from outside.

2- Each and every have similar but not always identical meanings.

Each = every one separately
Every = each, all

But often they are not exactly the same.

Each expresses the idea of 'one by one'. It emphasizes individuality.

Every is half-way between each and all. It sees things or people as singular, but in a group or in general.

Consider the following:

Every artist is sensitive.
Each artist sees things differently.
Every soldier saluted as the President arrived.
The President gave each soldier a medal.

Every cannot be used for 2 things. For 2 things, each can be used:

He was carrying a suitcase in each hand.
Every is used to say how often something happens:

There is a plane to Bangkok every day.
The bus leaves every hour.

I will be back
اسال الله لكي السعادة في الدنيا والاخرة
اخواتي الغاليات اريد توضيح اكثر مع الامثلة
انا فهمت مع الاخت جيل الله يجزاها الجنة لكن اريد توضيح اكثر لها كلها مع ذكر الفرق بينها واستخدامات كل منها
واذا ممكن يدخل العربي في الشرح
انا في انتظاركم
ماابي كسفة
i need help you