السلام عليكم بنات ارجوكم ترجمو لي ايش مكتوب
Post Office Ltd has retained the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) contract to provide the passport Check & Send service.
The Post Office Check & Send service, available at 2,500 post office branches, offers members of the public the opportunity, for an additional handling fee, to have their passport application forms and associated documentation checked for completeness prior to being sent on to IPS.
Home Office Minister Meg Hillier said: "The Post Office Check & Send Service is very effective in helping people's passport applications to go smoothly, picking up potential mistakes in the application and ensuring that people have submitted the right information and fee."
Some 45 per cent of the six million passport applications received by IPS annually come via Check & Send, with the service dramatically reducing the number of errors in passport applications. 12 per cent of applications posted by customers directly to IPS contain errors, whilst those sent using Check & Send average only 2 per cent.
The contract, which has been awarded following an open competition, will run for 2 years, with an option to extend for a further two years.
Existing Check & Send Service arrangements have been in place since January 1996, with the last tender in 2000.

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ترتيبات قائمة خدمة الفحص والارسال اوجدت منذ كانون الثاني من سنة 1996. مع العطاء الاخير عام 2000
الصفحة الأخيرة