أنا أول من عرف قلبك..
وأول من سمع نبضك..
وأول شخص لك يشتاق..
من صادق إحساس..
إلى جوهر ألماس..
أعزك بدون قياس..
يا أحلى من على الأرض داس..
في كل لحظه لك على البال طاري..
وفي كل سجده لك من القلب دعوه..
A Treasure for Years To Come
Two precious hands with ten little fingers, two sweet feet with ten little toes.
A head so small with hair soft as feathers, holds two tiny ears and a cute button nose.
One cuddly body with two legs and two arms, joins to these two feet and two hands.
That soon will be wiggling and kicking with fury, as time moves on according to God’s plans.
One heart so small beats strong with life, waiting to be loved and give love in return.
Cherish the miracle that grows within you, as you await the arrival you have yearned.
The love that two share for each other, the reward of being husband and wife,
Is the creation of a baby, and the joy a child brings to your life.
بض الحروف143الجديد @bd_alhrof143algdyd
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كلمات في قمه الرووووووووووووعه ..شكرا عزيزتى
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