طالبه فزعتكم يابنااااااات
ابيكم ترجمون لي هالكلام
تكفوووووووووون :44:
شرع الاسلام العديد من السلوكيات الاخرى اللتي تقوي التآلف
الاجتماعي وجعلها من الحقوق الثابته للمسلم ع المسلم بحيث لا يسعه تركها من غير عذر ومن ذلك : الدعاء له واجابه دعوته
وتبادل الزياره معه وتشميته اذا عطس وعيادته اذا مرض وستر عثراته والصفح عنه واسداء النصيحه له وايثاره على النفس
وصدقه في الحديث والذب عنه في غيبته وان تحب له ماتحب لنفسك وان يكون قلبك سليما عليه وان تشهد جنازته اذا مات
والاصل في هذه المكارم الحديث النبوي : " حق المسلم ع المسلم
خمس : رد السلام وعياده المريض واتباع الجنائز واجابه الدعوه وتشميت العاطس "
هذا ومن اسباب التالف الاجتماعي اللتي شرعها الاسلام ايضا:
التزاور فيما بين الجيران والاصدقاء وكفاله اليتيم والاحسان الى
الارمله والمسكين .
تووتااا @tootaaa
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
معقوله مافيه احد منكم يعرف يترجم هالكلام :(
هلا اختي والله انا حاولت وإن شاء الله يكون اوكي
Islam made many laws about behaviors which make social concord strong and made stable rights for muslim upon the muslim.
Muslims can’t leave these behaviors without any excuse such as praying for him, responding his invitation, visiting, supplicating for mercy upon him after sneezing, visiting him in illness, covering his mistakes, forgiving him, advising him, preference his brother over himself and believing what he said, never talk about him when he is not attending, love for him what you love for yourself, his heart should be well meaning for his brother and when he dies, follow his funeral.
The original of these behaviors come from Hadith: “the rights of the muslim upon the muslim are five: greeting him, visiting the patient, following funerals, responding invitation and supplicating the sneezer.”
Other reasons of social concord are: visiting neighbors and friends, guarantee orphan and to be nice to widows and poor people.
ولاتنسيني من الدعااء
Islam made many laws about behaviors which make social concord strong and made stable rights for muslim upon the muslim.
Muslims can’t leave these behaviors without any excuse such as praying for him, responding his invitation, visiting, supplicating for mercy upon him after sneezing, visiting him in illness, covering his mistakes, forgiving him, advising him, preference his brother over himself and believing what he said, never talk about him when he is not attending, love for him what you love for yourself, his heart should be well meaning for his brother and when he dies, follow his funeral.
The original of these behaviors come from Hadith: “the rights of the muslim upon the muslim are five: greeting him, visiting the patient, following funerals, responding invitation and supplicating the sneezer.”
Other reasons of social concord are: visiting neighbors and friends, guarantee orphan and to be nice to widows and poor people.
ولاتنسيني من الدعااء
الصفحة الأخيرة