You’ve been assigned to create a DataBase for BestEvent Company. Basically, the company’s main concentration is to manage event for companies, these events are mainly seminars, workshops and training sessions and it could also manage small parties such as graduations or small weddings, this DataBase should be designed to store information about all their employees, attendees for those events and of course a financial reference of expenses and payments of the attendees.
• Suggest the steps you should do before starting creating the database.
• Design the tables and relation ships between them
انا حاولات احل بس مأعرف كيف انزلها بالموضوع الله يسعدكم الي يعرف يساعدني
الي يساعدني يقل لي لكي ارسله عبر ايميل
وجزكم الله خير

نونا المزيونة @nona_almzyon
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

@فراشة حواء@
ما فهمت ولا شي ؟؟؟؟؟

You’ve been assigned to create a database for BestEvent Company. Basically, the company’s main concentration is to manage event for companies, these events are mainly seminars, workshops and training sessions and it could also manage small parties such as graduations or small weddings, this database should be designed to store information about all their employees, attendees for those events and of course a financial reference of expenses and payments of the attendees.
• Suggest the steps you should do before starting creating the database.
• Design the tables and relation ships between them
• Suggest the steps you should do before starting creating the database.
• Design the tables and relation ships between them

الصفحة الأخيرة