فزعه ياجماعة الخير

اللغة الأنجليزية

سلااام بنااات
صراحه اعجبني روح التعاون اللي بينكم..
وحاسه انكم راح تساعدوني وماراح تخيبون ضني فيكم
هذا للي تعرف انجليزي عندي طلب
ممكن تسوولي تعبير في براقراف عن

Differences and Similarities Between university and school

والموضوع الثاني تختارين احد المواضيع التاليه وتعبرولي اياها نفس الشي في براقراف

A- how to register for classes at your school
B- how to meet people in a new place
C- how to get the job of your dreams
D- how to prepare for a job interview
F- how to live on a tight budget

هذي اللي فوق تختارون موضوع واحد مب كلهم

وشكرا مقدما

بليييز ابيها ضروووري

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

beauity girl
beauity girl
حبيبتي هاده الموضوع الاول لو عجبك بكملك علي التاني وامكن تلاقي حد احسن مني ويعطيكي كلام افضل
Education is most important things in our life and as we can see nowadays technology is change and improve everyday so we need to learn to be part of this technology As the normal step to learn is first we must join the school because school is the first step in the learning journey without school we cannot go to university this mean school is the basic of learning So if we try to find similarities between school and university we can see the main similar between them is both of them are education field that provide knowledge and gives wisdom to the students in different stages using different methods Then if we say that there are differences between school and university this is true because in school we try to give student the way of learning and try make them to decide how to learn and who to benefit from what they learn also in school the student are more independent on what the teacher give it mean they get the knowledge and learn directly from the teacher while in university student are more dependent on themselves they discover their way and they decide what they want they define their goals in life that why they go to specific university that will help them to achieve their goal in the life
متى أتخرج؟
متى أتخرج؟
حبيبتي هاده الموضوع الاول لو عجبك بكملك علي التاني وامكن تلاقي حد احسن مني ويعطيكي كلام افضل Education is most important things in our life and as we can see nowadays technology is change and improve everyday so we need to learn to be part of this technology As the normal step to learn is first we must join the school because school is the first step in the learning journey without school we cannot go to university this mean school is the basic of learning So if we try to find similarities between school and university we can see the main similar between them is both of them are education field that provide knowledge and gives wisdom to the students in different stages using different methods Then if we say that there are differences between school and university this is true because in school we try to give student the way of learning and try make them to decide how to learn and who to benefit from what they learn also in school the student are more independent on what the teacher give it mean they get the knowledge and learn directly from the teacher while in university student are more dependent on themselves they discover their way and they decide what they want they define their goals in life that why they go to specific university that will help them to achieve their goal in the life
حبيبتي هاده الموضوع الاول لو عجبك بكملك علي التاني وامكن تلاقي حد احسن مني ويعطيكي كلام...

يعطيك العافيه ياقلبي
واذا ماعليك كلافه ممكن تكملين الثاني
ان شاء الله تكوني استفدت صراحة ماعندي خلفيه عن الموضوع

وقلت لازم أرد والبنات مارح يقصروا واياك