بنت القدر

بنت القدر @bnt_alkdr

عضوة نشيطة

فضفضي باللي ف خاطرك بالانجلش ^^

اللغة الأنجليزية

موضوع حلو لطشته لكم ، عشان نستفيد معبعض ونفش خلقنا بالانجليش

Salam Alikum


Hello every1

Its my pleasure to have you all here
with me were we can talk,chat and exepress
our selfs in english,what we are thinking,feeling
and imagining. Here were every1 can help each
. other in grammer or vocabulary

So Welcome all...


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

This is my first visit to this section and i was so glad to have many good and useful topic all around i wished if i have visited it before well ..

It's a pleasure too to be the first one to reply to you...go meeeeeeee hehehe :)
بنت القدر
بنت القدر
Hello0o sweetie

it's my pleasure too to have your responce here
wish u pay me another visits
with more daires

so sick
many things prevent us from being together
wish days bring the best
and back us together
under one cieling
with no more troubles
with no more anger
side by side
faces enemies
and never allow them
to kill our brotherhood
never ever

come back my brother
come to your lonely sister

i am need sleeping