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* بكرى احلى * @bkr_ahl

كبيرة محررات

فلسطين, لبنان, اسرائيل....

ملتقى الأحبة المغتربات

الموضوع طويل و لكن النص صغير
سبب طول الموضوع هو احتوائه على شرح للوصول للمكان بالنسبه لسكان مونتريال كندا. فاذا كنت من خارج مونتريال, فلا تخافي الموضوع ماهو طويل

and see .

I hope that Messrs. Bush, Blair, Harper and the rest of the so-called free and democratic world are happy and proud about what Israel is doing!

…after 6 days pf Israeli response to the catching of 2 of their soldiers.


Please send it to every one!!!!

Let the world see……………

Hello to you all,

I have rarely forwarded an e-mail to any of you because I did not want to interrupt your life with silliness. Well this is not silliness, we are in a crisis. We are all productive and proud Canadians and we have the right to expect to be represented, protected and respected. The situation as it stands now is not acceptable. The government response to such atrocities is simply not acceptable. I am not going to urge you to go out and start demonstrating in the streets, it just makes the 6:00 o'clock news for 30 seconds and we are forgotten. Lets all engage in this democratic society. I would like each and every one of you to write a letter, not an e-mail it does not work. You must all write a letter address it to the prime minister office and a copy sent to Peter McKay. Write it in your own words the content must have the following elements:

1- Your identity as a Canadian of Arab descent is being attacked.

2- Your great disappointment in the government response.

3- Your immediate request that the government urges the Israeli government to cease all aggression.

4- Your immediate demand that a correction of the government stated position to be changed.

For those who can not write well you can call the office of Peter MacKay I am giving you his phone number below. You can also e-mail me at fayzarifai@hotmail.com and I will send you sample of letters you may sign and send out.

Their addresses and fax numbers are

For Stephen Harper

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900

For Peter MacKay

New Glasgow
980 East River Road
New Glasgow, NS
B2H 3S8
(T) 902-752-0226
(F) 902-752-0284

For Mr. Harper there is no phone number.

After this crisis is over and it will be over, I urge all of you to allow me to use your contacts so that we can organize ourselves in political groups so we can run for political offices, we can create voting blocks and create alliances with political candidates that will work with us to enforce justice and peace in the Middle East. Our work will involve the displacement of each and every federal candidate that works against our interests and concern. We must work as a group within this democratic system. We all must respect the laws but we must demand respect. So we will prepare in an intelligent manner to have our voices heard. Enough is enough.

Please come we need you, our sisters, brothers, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles need you. We are having an emergency meeting on Thursday evening at the

The meeting will be held from 7:30 to 9:30, at the LCHA offices (directions below.)

Directions to the LCHA Building:

LCHA Offices

(in the "Panasonic sign" building off the Metropolitan)

4480 Cote-de-Liesse

Town of Mount Royal

Please note: The LCHA Offices are located near the point where the Decarie Expressway meets the Metropolitan. Please follow the directions below carefully. Our suggested directions below provide the simplest way to get to the LCHA Offices.

From the Metro: Take the Orange line, direction Cote Vertu, and get off at the "de la Savane" metro station. When you exit the metro station, walk north on the Decarie service road for about five minutes. You will get to a stoplight at the street Ch. Manelle. ( At this light, you will see a large building in front of you with the huge Panasonic sign on its roof.) The LCHA offices are in the "Panasonic sign" building – the building number is 4480. The entrance to the LCHA Offices is to the left side of the building. Signs will direct you to the entrance.

From the West Island: Take Autoroute 40 east, and exit to get on the Decarie Expressway South (Autoroute 15 South.) Once on the Decarie Expressway, take the first exit (69) which is for Rue Jean Talon and Ave. Van Horne. The exit ramp will take you up to a stoplight. Go straight through this first stoplight, but turn left at the second stoplight ( Jockeys St.), and immediately left again to get on the Decarie service road going north. Follow the Decarie service road for a few minutes, passing though a few stoplights, and passing the metro station "de la Savane." Finally, you will get to a stoplight at the street Ch. Manelle. ( At this light, you will see a large building in front of you with the huge Panasonic sign on its roof.) Turn right on Ch. Manelle, and then turn immediately left into the parking lot of the 4480 building address – the "Panasonic sign" building.

From Laval: Take Autoroute 15 south. On the island of Montreal, get on the Metropolitan westbound, and then exit on to the Decarie Expressway South (Autoroute 15 South.) Once on the Decarie Expressway, take the first exit (69) which is for Rue Jean Talon and Ave. Van Horne. The exit ramp will take you up to a stoplight. Go straight through this first stoplight, but turn left at the second stoplight ( Jockeys St.), and immediately left again to get on the Decarie service road going north. Follow the Decarie service road for a few minutes, passing though a few stoplights, and passing the metro station "de la Savane." Finally, you will get to a stoplight at the street Ch. Manelle. ( At this light, you will see a large building in front of you with the huge Panasonic sign on its roof.) Turn right on Ch. Manelle, and then turn immediately left into the parking lot of the 4480 building address – the "Panasonic sign" building.

From the South Shore, or Downtown: Take the Autoroute 15 north, to where it becomes the Decarie Expressway. Take the Jean Talon exit, and get on the Decarie service road going north. Follow the Decarie service road for a few minutes, passing though a few stoplights, and passing the metro station "de la Savane." Finally, you will get to a stoplight at the street Ch. Manelle. ( At this light, you will see a large building in front of you with the huge Panasonic sign on its roof.) Turn right on Ch. Manelle, and then turn immediately left into the parking lot of the 4480 building address – the "Panasonic sign" building.

From East Montreal: Take the Metropolitan west (Autoroute 40 west.) Exit on to the Decarie Expressway South (Autoroute 15 South.) Once on the Decarie Expressway, take the first exit (69) which is for Rue Jean Talon and Ave. Van Horne. The exit ramp will take you up to a stoplight. Go straight through this first stoplight, but turn left at the second stoplight ( Jockeys St.), and immediately left again to get on the Decarie service road going north. Follow the Decarie service road for a few minutes, passing though a few stoplights, and passing the metro station "de la Savane." Finally, you will get to a stoplight at the street Ch. Manelle. ( At this light, you will see a large building in front of you with the huge Panasonic sign on its roof.) Turn right on Ch. Manelle, and then turn immediately left into the parking lot of the 4480 building address – the "Panasonic sign" building.

I hope that Messrs. Bush, Blair, Harper and the rest of the so-called free and democratic world are happy and proud about what Israel is doing!

…after 6 days pf Israeli response to the catching of 2 of their soldiers..

Please send it to every one!!!!

Let the word see……………

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