
gada9522 @gada9522

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قصة نجاح اخري

تأخر الحمل

هذه قصة نجاح منقولة بعد عملية دوالي الخصية Last edited 04/02/2010
I know you posted this a few weeks ago but I figured I would tell you my story. Dh had a count of 6 million 3 1/2 years ago and went down from there due to a varicocele. We finally decided to have the surgery in March of 09 since his count over a period of 6 months was never over 1-2 million. Well In Sept 09 his count was 9 million, Jan 10 it was 12 million Feb 10 it was 51 million, morph 1.4% and March 10 it made it to 114 million total motile, 172 million total and Morph 5.5%!  The RE actually said we would not need to come back for any more testing!

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