السلام عيكم حبايبي
جمعه ططيبه يارب علينا وعليكم:smheart:
حبايبي عندي قصه كاتبتها وابي احد يشيك لي عليها
سبنلق تركيب نحووي والي حاب يضيف شي يضيف
ساعدووني بليز
ولكم دعووة بظهر الغييييب بهاليوم المباررررك
Once upon atime there are three friends their names are ( Tota , Jojo and Koky)
They loveeach others so much . so , today wants to go jungle to play and eat . they areso happy.
Tota ishappiest in the jungle , because she has found a tree full of mangos. She knowsthat Jojo also loves mangos, so she goes looking for him.
She findsJojo and tells him about the mango tree that has the biggest mangos ,She hasever seen . Jojo is as happiest andfollows her back to tree.
Tota andJojo start eating the mangos. She wants to show look what a big mango i have?Jojo says that his mango is bigger than her. She tells to jojo that her mangomight be bigger and sweeter than him.jojo gets angry , he beats his mango issweetest of all the mangos on this tree.
Kooky iscoming and he fight jojo and tota fighting . he tells them that the two mangosjust as big and sweet as the others.
Kooky askedthem to stop fighting and test each others mangos. Tota finds jojo'smango is as big as her one.
Finally ,they sorry to each others and lookhappier than they did before.
انتظررررركم جعل والدينكم للجنه يارب
من بيساعني

أبلة دووودي @abl_dooody
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

أبلة دووودي
الووووه ي عالم

Once upon a time there were three friends. Their names are
( Tota , Jojo and Koky)
They loved each other so much. Today they decided to go to the jungle to have a picnic..
They were happy, but Tota was the happiest because she found a tree full of mangos, and she
knows that Jojo loves mango too.
So, she starts to look for him.
. When she found him, she told him about the tree and how big the mangos are. They are very big, she has never seen such a big mangos before...
Jojo was very happy and followed her to see the tree..
Tota and Jojo start eating the mangos.
Tota pick up a mango and said to Jojo
look how big my mango is.
Jojo said but my mango is bigger than yours!
then Tota had a bite and said my Manog is bigger and sweeter than yours.
Jojo starts to be angry and he said my mango is the sweetest and biggest than all the other mangos on the tree.
kooky heard them fighting, and asked them to stop,and he tested both of
their mangos and said both of them are big and sweet
Then Toto realized that her one is big as Jojo's one.
.Finally, they apologized to each other and both were happy.
( Tota , Jojo and Koky)
They loved each other so much. Today they decided to go to the jungle to have a picnic..
They were happy, but Tota was the happiest because she found a tree full of mangos, and she
knows that Jojo loves mango too.
So, she starts to look for him.
. When she found him, she told him about the tree and how big the mangos are. They are very big, she has never seen such a big mangos before...
Jojo was very happy and followed her to see the tree..
Tota and Jojo start eating the mangos.
Tota pick up a mango and said to Jojo
look how big my mango is.
Jojo said but my mango is bigger than yours!
then Tota had a bite and said my Manog is bigger and sweeter than yours.
Jojo starts to be angry and he said my mango is the sweetest and biggest than all the other mangos on the tree.
kooky heard them fighting, and asked them to stop,and he tested both of
their mangos and said both of them are big and sweet
Then Toto realized that her one is big as Jojo's one.
.Finally, they apologized to each other and both were happy.

يـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــارب يسسعدك ويوفقك ف هليووم المباررك
ويررزقك من ححيث لاتحسسبين
ربي يحقق كل الي ببالك
شوووووكرا جزيلا شووكرا
ويررزقك من ححيث لاتحسسبين
ربي يحقق كل الي ببالك
شوووووكرا جزيلا شووكرا
الصفحة الأخيرة