
rofy @rofy

عضوة فعالة

قصه عن جحا

اللغة الأنجليزية

لو سمحتوا بنات ابغى ضروري قصه قصيره او احدى الطرائف عن جحا بالانجليزي
ساعدوني ارجوكم ضروري

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

كلام الحب
كلام الحب

DJUHA BORROWS A POT One day, Djuha wanted to entertain his friends with a dinner of lamb stewed whole with rice stuffing, but he did not have a cooking pot large enough. So he went to his neighbor and borrowed a huge, heavy caldron of fine copper. Promptly next morning, Djuha returned the borrowed pot. "What is this?" cried the neighbor, pulling a small brass pot from inside the caldron. "Oh yes," said Djuha, "congratulations and blessings upon your house! While your caldron was with me it gave birth to that tiny pot." The neighbour laughed delightedly. "May Allah send blessings your way too," he told Djuha, and carried the two cooking pots into his house. A few weeks later Djuha knocked on his neighbor's door again to ask for the loan of the caldron. And the neighbor hurried to fetch it for him. The next day came and went, but Djuha did not return the pot. Several days passed and the neighbor did not hear from Djuha. At last he went to Djuha's house to ask for his property. "Have you not heard, brother?" said Djuha looking very grave. " The very evening I borrowed it from you, your unfortunate caldron-God grant you a long life-died!" "What do you mean, died? shouted the neighbor. "Can a copper pot die?" "If it can give birth," said Djuha, "it can surely die."

من قصص جحا

كان جحا مسافرا إلى بلدة بعيدة وأخذ معه جوالا من السكر فسأله بعضهم لماذا تأخذ معك جوالا من السكر ؟فقال لهم لأن الغربة مرة

From Goha"s stories

Goha was travelling to a far country; he took with him a big sac of sugar

Some people asked him why you are taking this sugar with you.??

He said because homesickness is bitter !!

رأى جحا رجل يغرق في البحر فقام ينقذة وبعد ما طلعة جحا رماه الى البحر

تانى فقال الرجل لماذا رميتني مرة اخرى ؟؟ فقال جحا (أعمل الخير وارميه البحر)

Goha saw a man drowning in the sea, so he rescued him, and then he threw him back into the water, the man asked him why do you throw me once more??.

Goha answered :

Do well and throw it in the sea (which is an Arabic proverb

أعطى خادما له جرة ليملأها من النهر، ثم صفعه على وجهه صفعة شديدة وقال له: إياك أن تكسر الجرة، فقاله: لماذا ضربتنى قبل أن اكسرها؟ فقال: أردت أن أريك جزاء كسرها حتى تحرص عليها.

Goha gave his servant a pot to fill from the river ,then he slapped him very hard on his face , and said do not break the pot!
the servant said why did you hit me before I break it ?
goha said ,:I wanted to show you the punishment of breaking it ,so that you take good care of it !
الله يسعدك ويوفقك يارب