I like to pretend to be like myself
It's harder than you would suppose
I frequently say things that I would say
I often will wear my own clothes
I put on my sneakers and brush my hair
exactly the way that I'd do
and sometimes I wear my own underwear
and no one has even a clue
I walk just exactly the way I'd walk
and go to the places I'd go
I play with the people who play with me
and say things that only I'd know
I do a remarkable job sometimes
and everyone thinks that I'm me
They can't tell that really I'm not myself
but only pretending to be
So next time you see me I might not be
the person you think that you see
I often pretend to be like myself
ضــــــوء @doaa_8
عضوة مميزة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
مشكورهـ عزيزتي